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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. All I can picture is Nixon saying "I am not a crook".
  2. Maybe you meant "in the pew pew'?
  3. I believe that particular parasite is called a dung beetle.
  4. Hopefully all of our former allies will eventually unite and save our asses from the thugs, thieves and morons who now control our country.
  5. Dulce is apparently well named.
  6. Sorry to inform you that con artists do not make their money by warning people they are about to be screwed.
  7. Got to be lyin' coz she ain't got no cross around her neck like her man Kid.
  8. And hope you will find a doctor who might straighten your stupid ass out.
  9. Something about the IQ of a mob is equal to...
  10. Try what parents did when I was a kid, take the child to visit someone who has measles so they can catch it and get it over with. Likewise for chicken pox, mumps, etc. (Not a good idea for smallpox, polio, anthrax, ebola and the like).
  11. The good news is that Zelenskyy is way smarter than fkn donald JAIL trump.
  12. Obviously landed using autopilot from a Tesla.
  13. If he had gone to a seminary and become a priest maybe his problem would not have arisen. However, I could be wrong...
  14. Yeah, and it's DEEEEEEEEP too.
  15. Maybe it is just human nature for us to worry over something we can not control. Now that we are faced with the total destruction of the society we once new, we have something new to worry about. Good luck to all of us.
  16. Paging Monica Lewinsky, your presence is urgently needed in the White House.
  17. Hard to believe that someone who appears to be totally fkn ignorant is the richest person on Earth.
  18. See, that's how them lies get out. I didn't say his dick had a wart on it, I said it FELT like it had one on it.
  19. This. Half the population already leaves the pennies.
  20. Puck the Pillies
  21. Now I understand my confusion...it's "sheet" metal, I thought they said "shit" metal.
  22. At least this answers the question in my mind three hours ago, i.e. WTF is this shit?
  23. The ever increasing cost of birth control for chickens...
  24. Strangest of all is that you are right in the middle of it
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