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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. I can remember when the parking lot behind a bar in my little town was paved with bottle caps(mostly Grand Prize).
  2. Listen to Ron White: "It's not THAT the wind is blowing...it's WHAT the wind is blowing."
  3. Now that right there is some honest-to-gawd backwoods poetry.
  4. I still want to know who holds the record for highest pick percentage returned for touchdowns. It has to be Simms.
  5. An actual decent Republican? The mind boggles and there may still be hope for this country.
  6. I wish my late life partner who had seven uncles in uniform during WWII were still alive so she could beat a little sense into your stupid ass.
  7. Starting today my forever stamps with the American flag will be applied upside down until donald JAIL trump is dead or impeached as a sign of the trouble we are in. His replacement would be no better, just not as adept at the art of the con.
  8. Never saw so much snow on radar that did not appear on the ground. Barely visible in southern Fayette county.
  9. Ah cain't be fkn bought...lessen the price is high enuf.
  10. Tomorrow will be the coldest day in Hell...EVER!
  11. This is starting to remind me of a situation that happened more than two thousand years ago involving some guy with an odd name. What the Hell was it, something like Hay Soos?
  12. Obviously Mush should be riding along on that vehicle to ensure there are no problems.
  13. Aw c'mon, do it your way and without anesthesia. You will surely enjoy doing it in such a manly fashion.
  14. This, friends and neighbors, is trash-talking poetry.
  15. I hope a scoreless tie is declared after 150 overtime periods.
  16. I see a judge has ruled that he owes DHL over 700 grand in unpaid bills. Lindell says he has nothing left but a house and his truck. Too bad you crazy bastard, sell them both and ask djt for a loan to buy a gun and just one bullet.
  17. Gospel! Saw the same scene in Colorado years ago, locals in the ditch Texans doing fine.
  18. Hey now, melting the ice sheet will be necessary eventually when we run out of uncontaminated water to drink. Gotta plan for the future in case there is one.
  19. TRUMPED-up issue? Is that one ah them there dubble-entendre thingies I heered about?
  20. Knowing a Richard Pryor quote that perfectly explains any screwed up situation.
  21. Birds of a feather or some other meaningless saying I once heard...
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