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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Beat me to it. exactly right
  2. Starting to look like we and the Russians will both be fighting a revolution if donald JAIL trump keeps up with his scheme to eliminate future elections.
  3. And after months of cussing and discussing on Ukraine this is drawing no interest? Geeze Louise
  4. Youtube has gotten to the point where I suspect they are the cause of most of the spam emails I receive, including 34 in the past two days.
  5. If things keep improving at the current rate we may see someone who actually knows how to sing our National Anthem at the football season opener.
  6. And I am hoping it is soon followed by an absolute bunch of crooks receiving prison sentences. Time to take the fkn gloves off.
  7. Agony to ecstasy in a month, not too fkn bad!
  8. So this means donald JAIL trump is possibly an actual con artist, abuser, liar, thief, crook? The mind boggles.
  9. Shapiro has minuses and I hear nothing but pluses for Walz. WTH is the problem here?
  10. It was around 1959 when I asked my dad about the difference between Republicans and Democrats. His exact words were "Republicans are for the rich, Democrats are for everyone else." I think about that now when I drive around and notice which properties have Republican campaign signs. Exceptions? Sure, but very damn few.
  11. At least some of the rats are coming out of the sewer and being exposed for what they really are thanks to their allegiance to donald JAIL trump. Hope there are many more after the election.
  12. What if "no take-backs" means you just tell another lie?
  13. So the guy known as Al is actually...Artificial Intelligence???
  14. I have read that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor. Wonder how much royalty there might be in my family?
  15. Interesting that this comment describes you perfectly.
  16. Wellll, I have ten letter and twelve letter words that work a lot better, care to see them?
  17. I finally had a flashback to what the guitar is good for when it comes to crooks:
  18. Please demonstrate how Elvis died...
  19. Obviously you never saw "Alien".
  20. Just call it "Trumpspeak", that should be clear enough.
  21. Ya know experience is the teacher of science.
  22. I just hope if he drops the soap it's granular laundry detergent.
  23. AnTiM

    Biden's legacy

    Elected to prevent a complete asshole from having another term and turned out to be far better than a lot of people expected. Salute.
  24. The "below average intelligence level" monster rears its ugly head again.
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