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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. So Looch is an idiot. Wow, water is wet, Earth is not flat. How can we possibly assimilate all this staggering new information???
  2. I can hardly wait to hear Jimbo say "Can you believe anyone could be stupid enough to give you 76 million for the privilege of blowing you?" It happened to ME!!!
  3. Laugh 'til you cry, then cry 'til you laugh, rinse and repeat. Works great for me.
  4. Obviously the person who made this mistake is the same one who forgot to convert meters to yards on the failed Mars mission.
  5. Look at me, Ma! I finally made it, top of the heap. (Now where have I heard that before?)
  6. AnTiM


    No worries, soon as he is released he can start figuring out how to bomb some government office in revenge for his mistreatment. Then everyone can piss and moan about how he never had a chance.
  7. The great thing about being a businessman is that when you screw your friends over for money you can always say "It's just business", like that makes it just perfectly fine.
  8. I think she is actually trying to say "insert erection". That would fit her fked up idea of politics.
  9. I thought about this and now I am praying that some reckless police officer shoots this bastard before he murders any more innocent people.
  10. NY GOP Rep. Marc Molinaro said he expects a quick timetable for a vote on the measure. He told CBS News, "George Santos is a liar and a fraud who should not be a member of Congress" Great, now see if you can get rid of any of the traitors who are still kissing donald JAIL trump's lying ass. Then just maybe start thinking about actually doing your damn job.
  11. Restores my faith that booing Santa Claus is a bad idea and karma is a bitch.
  12. Holiday or Alamo? Geeze, I cannot decide which I like the least.
  13. Altuve is no mere mortal. Go 'stros
  14. The object is to kick the ball or kick the opponent in the shins. Where is the ball? To Hell with the ball, let's start the game.
  15. AnTiM


    So now Iran wants to step in. Gee whiz, like we were all wondering where in the world could Hamas have gotten thousands of missiles from?
  16. And people are still supporting this piece of shit. Definitely someone the party can be proud of.
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