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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. They would have to pay me far more than $29.50 to go and see that.
  2. Never will I forget what I learned for sure in 2005, that Bohls is a total and complete asshole.
  3. Not sure I could cram 81 million votes up her ass, but certainly would enjoy trying.
  4. Yep, ignorance is skin deep, but stupid goes clean to the bone.
  5. DeSantis can brag "Not many places you can tan and shoot up a crowd while doing it". Just have to do it in daylight.
  6. Hard for me to understand why she is anti porn...cheapassed porn film production might be the one thing she is actually good at.
  7. The good news is that donald JAIL trump does not know how to keep his lying mouth shut and every time he opens it now it leads to a new charge. I just hope he lives to be a hundred and spends every waking moment fighting and losing lawsuits. And may all his remaining devotees keep wasting their money supporting his sorry ass.
  8. Hard to believe the Texas legislature has more of a conscience than that bunch of crooks in D.C.
  9. I truly hope your speeches are poorly received by a hostile crowd in prison.
  10. Following the donald TRAITOR trump manual : Tell a lie, repeat it over and over, each time louder than the last.
  11. Reminds me of something I heard in my childhood when a cat stuck her tail in one of those old natural gas heaters.
  12. Damn, and he can lie with a straight face tooooo!
  13. He needs less indictments and a whole lot more huge inDICKments.
  14. Heyyyy, here's an idea. Why don't they just sue the bastard???
  15. Never forget that half the population is below the average IQ.
  16. I think the response of “in two weeks” was actually his answer to the question "When do you think we can expect to see pigs fly?"
  17. And the music sounds just like the shit that spews from his mouth.
  18. My guess is he will be dropping powdered detergent rather than soap.
  19. Geeze, I love Mr. Lindell because listening to him talk for just one minute makes me feel that I am an absolute fuckin' GENIUS!!!
  20. QUOTE The problem isn't the guns. It isn't the people. It's the people with the guns. QUOTE OK, so then the obvious solution is to just kill all the people and keep the guns. Looks like we are making progress toward the obvious solution.
  21. Don't worry folks. The day will eventually come when the last surviving person can wave their semi in the air and shout "I made it, Ma! Top of the heap!"
  22. Through all this bs I have never watched carlson for more than a few seconds and not very many times. To me he looked like the second coming of limbaugh, who convinced me in the five minutes I listened to him that he was a totally evil piece of shit. How anyone can put their faith in either one of these bastards is just beyond me.
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