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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Reading most of the comments made on that post tells me that one should not act like an ass and then brag about doing it. Maybe the explanation is simply that half of the population is dumber than the other half. I forget if that is the median or the mean or the average.
  2. Reading the reports about reporters who are concerned about being fired for some of the outright lies they have broadcast makes me think I could rob a bank and be blameless by just saying "But, Your Honor, nobody WARNED me it was a crime!"
  3. Bottom line for me is that Fox bears a lot of responsibility for causing damage and death with their bullshit reporting. If Murdoch and all of his lying reporters have to give up every last thing they own to pay that debt, that is not enough but it would be a good start.
  4. Please let donald JAIL trump keep shooting his mouth off making threats about a civil case so he can actually have his ass prosecuted for criminal offense threats.
  5. For those who think Rush Limbaugh is God, Tucker Carlson has to be Jesus.
  6. The great thing about rats leaving a sinking ship is that they have to watch it sink.
  7. Hey Tucker, Rush Limbaugh is waiting for you in HELL!
  8. The most bewildering thing is that there are so many people who believe every last lie this bastard tells them, or that they know this and are just as crooked as he is.
  9. Acceptable I guess, but I would be a lot happier to see FOX totally out of business and all their lying talking heads kissing Biden's ass on the Whitehouse steps because they will certainly be back to doing the S.O.S. tomorrow.
  10. Imagine how much good this piece of shit could do by talking people into doing good things instead of robbing them. The mind boggles.
  11. Does GeD stand for General education Dumbass? I would think she should pass that one eventually.
  12. Speaking of the Constitution, wasn't that written back in prehistoric times, maybe like when all guns were single shot muzzle loaders and no one had to worry about a nutcase with a semiauto? I guess there is no use saying that some people need to wake up and face reality, then admit there is a problem.
  13. Yeah, that nuclear warming is for real because when there is a core meltdown it gets so hot it just melts down into the earth. I know cause I seent it happen at that Fuckashima place in Japan and that there Share No Bell place in Rusha.
  14. This is wonderful, by these two morons being together two other people do not have to put up with their shit.
  15. It would be funny if it were not true that all they do is lie until they get before a judge and have to plead the "fiff" because they cannot tell the truth without going to jail..
  16. Vladlen Tatarsky, a blogger who favored the Ukraine invasion, has been killed by a bomb hidden in a statuette given to him at a St. Petersburg party. Several attendees also died. This according to Reuters. Hope it was a Russian who arranged it.
  17. Over 14??? WTH, you mean to tell me that when I was 17 I coulda been...wait a damn minute!! Fairy godmother, will you come over here and take me back to1966 please???
  18. I stopped capitalizing trump's name months ago just as a small sign that I have had no respect for this SOB for at least forty years. Then a few days ago some commentator turned me on to this, which I shall be using in the future at least until I am dead or he goes to prison. "donald JAIL trump" rot in Hell, you POS
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