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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Once this is settled, please tell me if "ain't" is a word or ain't it.
  2. Imagine how not surprised I was to find that the prime definition of "helobious" is "swamp creature".
  3. There are people who are asses, then there are those who are total asses.
  4. What do you expect after they booed Santa Claus?
  5. Right or wrong, some people never learn any manners until they get their ass whipped for acting a fool. If you deliberately go looking for trouble, don't cry when you find it.
  6. AnTiM

    Cowboys V Bears

    I swear I yelled "Just don't do anything stupid" at the tv just before the half and two seconds later Prescott threw that stupid pick.
  7. Only thing I am sure of right now is that someone got paid a shitload of money to throw our OSU game.
  8. I always believed "stupid is as stupid does", but his contract is so far beyond stupid that it scares me to think the people who gave it to him are in charge of ANYTHING.
  9. Time for my favorite quote "Shoot them! Shoot them both"
  10. Still trying to find a game they can win?
  11. You just might win if you are inept or stupid, but not both.
  12. Losers cry, winners holler DEAL!
  13. And did he get off, or not?
  14. The universe began going to Hell when Ro Laren left Starfleet.
  15. And her opponent in the primary has come out in favor of Frisch now. Maybe not every single Republican is totally insane? The mind boggles.
  16. So much for the edit attempt, I will now go and see if the Cowboys front office will hire me.
  17. Oh, and our #11 lines up offside on defense half the time as well.
  18. When I am yelling at the tv "Don't jump offside" on the field goal setup and I see an asshole dumb enough to do just that, he should be on the first fkn train out of town.
  19. AnTiM

    NFL Week 6

    What is with these two overexciteable jerks calling the KC/Buffalo game? Please stop that fkn yelling and just do your job.
  20. AnTiM

    NowThis: Iran

    I can see the same shit happening in America if trump is back in charge. I woke up at four this morning with the words of "The Sounds Of Silence" in my head and found the 1965 version to play. Vietnam war, riots in the streets, tear gas on the Texas Capitol grounds, politicians assassinated, I remember it all well and that song tells me we still have not learned anything.
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