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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. I dunnooooo, looks like it just might be 11 PM in the morning...
  2. Nearest relative to a three-toed sloth? The three-toed or three-fingered sloths are arboreal neotropical mammals . They are the only members of the genus Bradypus and the family Bradypodidae. The four living species of three-toed sloths are the brown-throated sloth, the maned sloth, the pale-throated sloth, and the pygmy three-toed sloth.
  3. I see the caption for this picture being "Is it I, Lord? No, it is all of you and you are all going down with ME."
  4. My suspicion is that the guys without their hands on their hips are FBI plants. At least I hope so. The good news is that in athletics, hands on hips shows you are tired of what is happening.
  5. Apparently she has trouble with a teleprompter because it appears that she does not know how to fkn READ ANYTHING, much less a history book.
  6. Ermagerd!!! Something big finally happened after two weeks! He was right all along!
  7. Sooner or later these fuckers are going to be picked up on a long range microphone, and I am going to die from ecstasy.
  8. Stoopid iz az stoopid duz!
  9. Happiness is watching aggy eat shit in general and Looch in particular.
  10. Try that yelling shit when you are in the courtroom, judges love it and will be really sympathetic.
  11. Damn, I thought it was spelled "fellatio".
  12. I am reminded of some old scifi story, maybe from the Lazarus Long works, in which a woman ruler is presiding over a heated government argument. She points to one of the men involved and says "This problem will go away if you take that man out and kill him. Do it now!". Problem solved, too bad she is not in charge now.
  13. 27-25 sounds doable to me.
  14. Now he says he was not wearing a seat belt in his recent collision. Damn it, the Cowboys just can't catch a break.
  15. Judging by her recent pictures, she appears to have been "rode hard and put up wet".
  16. I am patiently waiting for one of these newshounds to quit pussyfooting around and finally call trump out for being the fkn sorry assed liar he really is.
  17. Damn, I miss Inspector Clouseau.
  18. Somebody tell the middle guy it would look symmetrical if he did it with both hands...
  19. AnTiM

    SHSU @ aggy

    That's what you get for playing in a toilet.
  20. Facebook link says depression from loss of a family member, so crashing into a walmart helps?
  21. Same guy who made the finger symbol on radar somewhere up northwest a day or two ago?
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fbi-materials-seized-from-trump-s-mar-a-lago-home-included-90-empty-folders/ar-AA11oCyW?cvid=79bbcf4eccbe4344bb639e9d463ca15e I can hardly wait to know what might have been in them and who it was sold to. Way past time for this piece of crap to be locked up for good.
  23. Looks like a student of the donald trump Fraud College.
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