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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. And most republicans will still never believe the last paragraph of this post. Astounding how incredibly stupid so many people can be.
  2. When dealing with averages, you must realize that half the study group will be below the average. "A collection of the dumbest people" is absolutely right.
  3. I just hope you get fucked over as badly as you helped your bosom buddy trump fuck over the American public.
  4. Watching Mallitz with his constant tics and twitches and grimaces and touches makes my skin crawl.
  5. My opinion is "Same shit, different day". Apparently no one believes that those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
  6. Wait, "ampersand"? Is that like, you know, electrified dirt?
  7. How many billions in aid will we be providing?
  8. Did I actually see one of our hitters go down on three called strikes about the second inning? That's when I turned it off. If I am the coach, he's riding away from the stadium on something other than the team bus.
  9. We can only hope: According to former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman, he has no doubt that there is an ironclad case brewing in Georgia that will lead to an indictment and conviction of Donald Trump. Speaking with MSNBC host Katie Phang, Akerman said the evidence is overwhelming that the former president tried to steal the election in the Peachtree state as evidenced by the phone call made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger demanding he find enough votes to secure the state's 16 Electoral College votes.
  10. I would much prefer to see rotting flesh hanging from his skeleton
  11. CNN analyst said "Donald Trump's head is exploding right now". Take this as a warning to "Beware of flying shit".
  12. Is there a name for a syndrome described as "Keep telling slightly different versions of the same lie"?
  13. The IQ of a mob is equal to the IQ of the dumbest s.o.b in the mob divided by the number of people in the mob.
  14. I lasted less than five minutes because I am way past tired of crying. In the last few years I have lost a best friend, a life partner, and four nieces and nephews. This is worse.
  15. Thoughts and prayers is the usual response, but my first thought is that prayer does not seem to be working. My second thought is that the majority of politicians consists of complete morons.
  16. Now French president Macron is saying that Ukraine should be careful not to embarrass Russia? KMEA! Some things never change.
  17. Agreed. I was thinking of the city government getting sued for hiring standards or whatever.
  18. My guess is that this is because half the population is dumber than the other half. Is that the median or the mean?
  19. Afraid of inviting lawsuits is my bet.
  20. Can't wait to see how frantic the gun nuts in this country will be if Trudeau's proposal passes.
  21. But, but, but, when did DUI become a crime and did he know it, if so, when did he know, and are we sure maybe he's insane or had bad parents or a mean teacher???
  22. A public official making a statement that is stupid enough to get innocent people killed should be a criminal offense, and not a minor one.
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