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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Let's hope she seduces him and he suicides when he realizes what a fool he really is.
  2. That's nothing, my doctor told me to stop playing with myself. I asked him why, he said "So I can examine you."
  3. Don't see many replacing roofs, doing yard work or picking vegetables either.
  4. Just when you think she is way beyond stupid, she amazes you again.
  5. Next logical step is to get Sanders and son on the Cowboys roster.
  6. Just seems to be something about criminals, can't quite figger out wut it is...
  7. Maybe could have tried going to look for the cause.
  8. Got my first close look at a Tesla yesterday. I swear an Armored Personnel Carrier has a far better appearance.
  9. Looks like PBFC syndrome to me...Plumb Bug Fkn Crazy
  10. Where have we seen this before? Seems we are near the climax of Mein Kampf and after the inauguration comes the night of the long knives. At least half the population is supportive of a dictatorship and it does not appear that some god is going to save us. Truly "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
  11. Technology is amazing...we can get men to the moon and back but the instruction "see lock, engage lock" escapes us. Literally, escapes us.
  12. I mentioned it because we just elected a candidate who had previously stated he would like to be a dictator.
  13. When did dictators have to start running for office? I missed that part.
  14. Damn, second place is for LOSERS!!! But then, that appears to be what we are...
  15. You mentioned climate change; a client told me today he heard that this year's October set a worldwide record for warmest one ever. Have not tried to verify it but basically did not rain around here for two months.
  16. This group of winning voters will be voted "Idiots of the Millennium" by the rest of the free voting world for reelecting the asshole responsible for the Capitol riot in Jan. 2020 by calling that election rigged and telling them "It will be wild" after he was shown in a video from Dec. 18, 2019 being told by a group of his top advisors that there was absolutely no indication of any such interference.
  17. I am sure that if i were 50 years younger and knew what I know today I would be calling some government office for information on how to move to Australia or Canada. I am just glad my parents are not alive to see this bullshit.
  18. The saddest thing is that if trump drops dead in office his replacement will probably be worse.
  19. I voted for all Democrats and left all others blank. Meaningless considering how far down the tubes Texas is but expresses my opinion perfectly. Anyfknbody who supports a convicted criminal in politics is the same to me, period
  20. That is a great idea because he really does act like a spoiled 8 year old
  21. I am wondering what happened to our spikes from the back row. Seems they were usually good for three points a set, not I rarely see one.
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