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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch. Seems fair to me.
  2. Exactly right, apparently our Cowboys coach took one of Sark's "stupid" pills.
  3. Sark's reasoning still bothers me. The failed try for two and the declined field goal attempt are four points lost that could have put the game out of reach a lot earlier. Maybe he declined the field goal because he knew he screwed up going for the two earlier.
  4. Headline: Woman shot, bullet in her yett
  5. Throw me a rope before I drown in my own jizz...
  6. Unfortunately, the stuff dies after trump has gotten all the use he can out of it. Now, if these people he uses would just die as soon as he gets started, the world would be a much better place.
  7. My impression is she has a headache because everyone is on her ass for the headaches she is giving them. Maybe all our bitching is finally doing some good, keep it up and maybe her head will just fkn explode.
  8. I see our governor is authorizing vote recounts in four counties at trump's request. Hey Governor Abbott, why the fuck don't you try governing our state instead of kissing a traitorous bastard's ass? Just do your fkn job.
  9. Fuck Sirius with that constant "I made lasagna" screaming.
  10. Watch me not give a fk if I never hear trump's name mentioned ever again.
  11. Bravo if the dead frog represents trump, BS if not.
  12. I really would like to know how in the hell trump can keep claiming the election was fixed when every indication says it was not, and the fkn press keeps airing his bullshit. Is there some point at which these media clowns become liable to prosecution for spreading a blatant lie on the national networks?
  13. Reading texags today is even more of a joy than usual
  14. STFU, looch! I might start to think you actually have a brain in that vacuum bag you call a head.
  15. Surround yourself with animals, and maybe some day one or all of them will eat you. Hope you are only the first of all the crooks in this affair that should be eaten by animals.
  16. Just when I think they can not possibly be any more fkn stupid, they say something like this.
  17. Maybe he is regretting his behavior and is now going to confess to being a crook...look mom, a flying pig!
  18. Rep. Lauren Boebert declares that Christians must rise up and remove ungodly leaders from power Oh, I agree with her 100% on this idea...just as long as she is the first ungodly bitch removed from power. While they are at it, please sell admission to her stoning or crucifixion or whatever old Christian punishment they can think of. This wacko is the very definition of "ungodly leader".
  19. I will never stop wondering how someone can keep getting away with so much crooked shit for so long, no matter how good his sorry-assed tax lawyers may be.
  20. Got to give trump credit, at least he sticks to what he is best at; lying and con artistry.
  21. Well, Hell! Let us just get Peter in here to make that thieving assed trump drop dead and all will again be right in the world.
  22. Judging by her mismatched eyes, I would simply say she is bugfucking crazy
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