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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. And once it is fully occupied, nuke it from orbit.
  2. Judging by the strain on the belt, he must carry his belly in a wheelbarrow.
  3. Should have executed this mfer right away. Send a clear message and eliminate years of bs.
  4. Aw, c'mon. I bet trump would respect Longhornlove a whole bunch.
  5. Still waiting for a picture of a hat, not a fkn CAP!
  6. Back in the 80s a friend and I were staggering out of baggage claim in Vegas, swigging on a bottle of whiskey after a three stop flight from Austin.. Two lady attendants at the exit, one looked disgustedly at us and muttered "Typical drunk Texans". No idea how she guessed that, but I politely said "You sound like you are from New York". She rather loudly sneered "I'm from New Jersey". I instinctively raised a clenched right fist with my left hand clamped on my right bicep and politely said "Same thing, upper U.S." Her friend choked laughing and we kept on walking.
  7. Here's a great idea, let's all go out and eat shit and bark at the moon.. At least we might be doing something worthwhile.
  8. What is the record for nonstop bitching? This started 12 hours ago.
  9. Needs more lightning, lots more lightning.
  10. Good thing about this is that it shows you the people you should never put your money or your trust on.
  11. My expended seed says it might be spelled "fantastically"; with another t, that is.
  12. Judging by post number, you are 120 unless you sit on your ass all day posting. Some wise man once said "You don't get to be old bein' no fool. Lots of young wise men deader'n a motherfucker, ain't they?". And if I find you dying in the street, I will stop anyone who tries to help you.
  13. I need printed season football tickets and am told the only way to get them is to go to Belmont Hall the week of Aug. 30. Quite a trip for me, is there no other way without an Iphone?
  14. Every time I think she can not possibly get more stupid, she amazes me again.
  15. Or maybe if they knocked on the door and a hail of slugs from an assault rifle came out through it. Where do some people get this crazy idea that the subject of an arrest is going to always go peacefully?
  16. Just predict the same thing every day for the rest of your life and you just might be right eventually.
  17. I guess the only good news is that every citizen the Taliban kills will mean there is one less Afghan who hates us.
  18. Those who do not study history...never engage in a land war in Asia...seems like we have all heard this before and it never has any effect.
  19. Many years ago when we owned a bar, I asked the local TABC agent if there was a list of basic rules to follow. He extended his hand two feet above the table and said "Basically, the liquor laws of Texas make a stack this high, which means I can do whatever I want." I doubt if that has changed.
  20. Long live Star Trek.
  21. Two days ago I watched a pickup drive through my small home town with two 3X5 flags on the back. One Confederate and one with FUCK JOE BIDEN on the top and some more small BS on the bottom. Yesterday the same small truck I see almost daily has one that says FUCK JOE BIDEN TRUMP WON in place of the old one that just said JOE BIDEN SUCKS. Now seeing trump still talking shit that basically threatens someone's life and this crap on the streets, I am glad I do not yet have a concealed carry permit because at my rather advanced age and with no dependents I am about ready to get just as crazy as these bastards I see roaming the streets. trump just needs to be in jail to shut his evil mouth and if there is no way to do it there is no hope for this country any more.
  22. So our governor is now asking other states for help in fighting the new outbreak of cases in our state due to his own stupidity. Great, I hope they all tell him to get fucked in a loud and public voice.
  23. Cruz is the first Canadian I have ever really despised. WTG, you pedazo de mierda.
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