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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. So our governor is now asking other states for help in fighting the new outbreak of cases in our state due to his own stupidity. Great, I hope they all tell him to get fucked in a loud and public voice.
  2. Cruz is the first Canadian I have ever really despised. WTG, you pedazo de mierda.
  3. Why don't we get a mob of irate citizens to storm the state capitol and demonstrate how stupid our leaders are? Apparently the penalties are minor and it would not do a bit of good, but at least it would make me feel better. I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! Let's do it! (Ghostbusters had the right idea)
  4. Given our governor's stance on masks and the recent overruling in at least two counties, it is now clear that our governor is a bigger moron and asshole than any of us thought.
  5. At least a snake has an upper lip. WTF is this epidemic of upper lipless women lately?
  6. At least one of these crooked bastards might get what he deserves.
  7. Holy schmidt! People did not vote for trump's candidate because they do not like HIM? That cksucker can find no end to ways to make himself look better.
  8. I remember killing a mosquito that was pushing on my wrist while I voted, now I realize it must have been Chinese.
  9. Maybe she has zakry disease, i.e. her face looks zakry like her ass.
  10. Definitely a trump supporter. Hope he accosts someone crazier than he is.
  11. Oh Lawd, another woman with no upper lip. It's an epidemic.
  12. y viva La Reconquista
  13. And while they are at it, please tell all these crazy sons of bitches that keep griping about the election being rigged to shut the fuck up or else prosecute them for their libelous statements. And do not forget to include members of congress who should know better in the first place. This lying bullshit has gone on for far too long.
  14. And the answer is, YES, the fkn Republican party.
  15. Seeing Bohls talk shit makes me glad I dropped my subscription to his rag.
  16. Me too, especially provided that they remain in there for the rest of their miserable fkng meddling lives.
  17. Now I am certain you are an ass.
  18. Someone please give that poor girl an upper lip.
  19. Just one among millions, if the past few months is any clue. I will never understand how people with any intelligence can be so blindly stupid about some things.
  20. Going back to the title of this topic, I see the QAnon Shaman or wtfever his description is, has now claimed to be insane. Maybe you should look into curing his problem, since you appear to know how to solve everyone else's.
  21. Compared to Carlson he may be a comedian...puke to poop, whatever
  22. This made me laugh because I refuse to capitalize the name of POS trump.
  23. Republicans afraid of a fellow Republican turning on them and telling the truth?
  24. I have to assume that any headline containing the words "Big Lie" must be about trump, as he is the biggest liar known to date.
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