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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. This is years old but well worth a look. The story of a pilot who crashed in Viet Nam and spent a year in hospitals, often wishing to die because of the pain. He returned to service and ended his flying career piloting an SR-71 for four years. Interesting for historic info as well, and maybe fitting that it is 71 minutes long.
  2. This pos is credited with being an ex cop and gouged a cop's eyes on camera? He should be in jail for just being that stupid if nothing else.
  3. Seems fair that cancer killed a cancer.
  4. So the Georgia governor is now boohooing about how tough this will be on the citizens of Georgia not to mention the entire country. Maybe he should have thought to do a little research or ask a few questions before throwing his dumb ass off the pier. Wonder if he knows yet or will admit who won the presidential election? How do people this fucking stupid end up in public office?
  5. Lifelong Houstonion is the first lie in that statement, isn't it? "Getting ready for tip-off, with conflicted loyalties: I’m a lifelong Houstonian, but I’ve got a nephew & niece at Baylor."
  6. Thanks for the SNL reference , made me smile. Reminds me of the one about a manager who told his Spanish speaking only shortstop to yell "Yo la tengo!" on fly balls in no man's land. He did on the first opportunity and got crushed by the left and center fielders, neither of whom understood Spanish.
  7. Thank you to whoever had the courage and common sense to make this decision. Just maybe, now enough people in Georgia will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to see what happens when you try to control state elections, not to mention the chaos they created over the presidential election. Hard to believe that many people are that stupid, but at least there may be a small light at the end of the tunnel that is not an oncoming train.
  8. Combo of anti and atm. Lived in Bryan and Brenham for a few years in the 50s and have hated aggy ever since.
  9. I once thought that friends who supported trump and were just temporarily fooled by his bullshit for a while would someday come to their senses and see the truth. Now I know that they all have some common defect in their brains which makes them incapable of knowing the truth even when it beats them over their heads. Since I would prefer to have friends who are capable of logical thinking, screw the rest. There is no hope for them, ever.
  10. I have to wonder how many people this good there are in our country? One in ten thousand maybe?
  11. It's really too damn bad that there is a solution that works in other countries and we are just too goddam stupid and stubborn to do it. Define what type of weapons are legal to own, turn in the others and prosecute the living shit out of violators. There are only two problems with this solution: it makes sense and it would work.
  12. Somebody please send these assholes to a country where polio and smallpox are still a problem
  13. Hard to attribute a motive to nutcases. This business in Atlanta causing people to demonstrate against violence toward women just seems stupid. Violence against any innocent person is stupid, and all the demonstrations in the world are not going to stop it.
  14. "But for the AR 15 type weapon used by today's assassin, he would not have been able to mow down 10 innocent people as efficiently as he did. That's the part some of you ignore." This is the debate that just seems senseless to me. There is no reason for having assault rifles, some that can be converted to full auto and hold 50 round magazines. If you are worried about home defense get a 12 gauge pump.
  15. Wrap those shoulder straps around your head mfer, your brains are leaking out. At least you won't be tried as a juvenile. Happy LI
  16. After getting into a discussion yesterday with friends(?) who are trump lovers, I now know they are all even stupider.
  17. As crazy as these sons of bitches are, I am just waiting for most of them to plead insanity. How in the hell are republicans still defending the actions of these morons? These is still a guy down the street from me with trump/pence signs and a trump flag right next to our national flag. I am hoping to find the courage to knock on his door and ask "Are you actually as stupid as you are making yourself appear to be"?
  18. Proof that sanity is not necessarily a permanent condition.
  19. He does not like cockroaches but he was happy to work for one? h
  20. So some Qanon believers went to D.C. on March 4 for trump's "inauguration". It really does my heart good to finally know for sure that I am not the dumbest sumbitch in the world.
  21. I am at the point of losing all hope for any improvement in the status of life in this country. It appears that nearly every single person who gets elected to a state or national office has to be a complete fucking jerk, if not when elected, then shortly thereafter. Between Cruz and our idiot governor, there is no difference.
  22. Vince Young made me as proud to be a Longhorn fan as I have been since 1964. Seeing him simply stay out of trouble and be a credit to UT would make me just as proud. Do yourself proud, VY.
  23. I just have to laugh when someone talks about how it is going to be impossible for these morons to get a job or anything else after being convicted. Hey, if these fkn clowns had a job like most normal folks, maybe they wouldn't have the time to plot revolutions, attacks, invasions, minor shit like that. Hope I see one starving and carrying a sign supporting trump so I can shove it down his throat and say "Here, eat this you IMF."
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