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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. fkn airline wants to know who leaked the info about his trip. So do I, just to say thanks.
  2. The good thing about this is that now the entire country is seeing what a worthless, lying piece of shit cruz really is. Now I can point at his supporters and ask if they actually want to see him get reelected to do this again.
  3. Never could understand why shutoff valves are such a piece of crap. Had every one in our small town replaced when autoreaders were installed, two years and handle rusted off. Hey folks, steel handle and brass valve in a wet environment are a bad idea! I guess metallurgists never heard of electrolysis like I did in grade school science class.
  4. errr you mean Morton, he threw the pick that gave the Colts the fg attempt.
  5. Cowboys Super Bowl loss to the Colts. Still recall Bob Lilly throwing his helmet half the length of the field.
  6. I guess Brady just can't follow a script.
  7. Texas woman charged in Capitol riot says she bought into Trump "lie": "I regret everything" Only thing this fkn twat regrets is getting caught.
  8. How does anyone who reads a paper, listens to a radio, or watches tv news actually believe anything this psycho witch says?
  9. And the poor republicans want this trial to stop so our poor country can begin healing. I am sure there are convicted murderers on death row who wish the justice system would just forget about their case and get on with the healing. Screw all these whining s.o.b.s who let this crap get started in the first place and now refuse to accept any of the responsibility. Rot in HELL, all of you.
  10. There are Brady cocksuckers, and then there are plain old country cocksuckers. Guess which one you appear to be. Reading the thread title might have given you a clue to stay the hell out of the discussion.
  11. more than a few of the big ad firms are out of business.
  12. it's to keep the dicks from falling out.
  13. One less nut case in Congress, how many more need to have their asses kicked off the job?
  14. I could not find a laugh icon big enough for this one. Bravo! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKnk7sjHVdl/?igshid=pm8amtc2h6qc
  15. Typical Limburger adherents, all drain bamaged mfers.
  16. Surprising how pretty much everyone charged with a Capitol offense is such an amazingly good person. Lucky thing no bad people were there, else actual crimes might have been committed. You know, shit like assault, trespassing, murder, breaking and entering, theft, basic kid stuff.
  17. And now he says he never had any intention of trying to overturn the election. This two-faced bastard is perfectly suited for lying out of both sides of his mouth at once.
  18. I am trying to figure out how he is being "muzzled", as he put it, and I am still reading his bullshit and lies on all sorts of media. What a lying sack of shit he is.
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