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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. You do not remember all the bitching the last time police fought a riot? get a fucking clue
  2. I clearly remember in the 50s when I asked my dad "What's the difference between Democrats and Republicans?" He replied "Republicans are for rich people, Democrats are for people like us". I think of this every time I ride around and notice that most of the Republican campaign signs are in front of the biggest houses and newest cars, boats, atvs, wtfever.
  3. I will miss Bob Ross to my dying day.
  4. AnTiM


    Please work your way out of banishment so you can come back to Cloak Room and defend all your crooked Republican idols against the criminal charges they will deservedly be facing.
  5. Every time I see this my opinion of Kirk Bohls goes down one more notch.
  6. Probably no one, politics being what they are now. My best hope would be to join a class action suit on behalf of the millions of people he has screwed over for his own gains. Good luck with that, I am still waiting for the settlement that was promised over the Chevy truck gas tank explosions back in the early 80s.
  7. In my dream I see Trump setting fire to the White House and shooting at police and firefighters. When he is finally shot down maybe his rabidly insane supporters will finally realize what he really was. Liar, thief, and con artist deluxe, nothing more than what he has always been. I am no longer amazed by the stupidity of so many elected officials and a large share of the population. I truly hope there is a God who can get us out of this mess.
  8. If cul is French for cut, someone is in trouble
  9. What I am seeing is a shit ton of Trump signs, banners etc. still on display and I have to wonder if half the people in this country can possibly be this fkn stupid. I am starting to hope that the rally Trump is calling for develops into the biggest display of looting, arson, and violence we have ever seen. Maybe then some of these morons will come to their senses or enough will be killed for the rest to understand that trying to overthrow our elected government is not really a good idea.
  10. So now the New York Times has told Trump to give it up and quit holding back progress. Excuse me while I go somewhere and pat myself on the back for knowing this forever while a media mogul like Rupert Murdoch just now figured it out. I hope he has a smelly brown stain under his nose from kissing Trump's ass all these years. Maybe losing a few million subscriptions changed his mind. What a joke.
  11. The number of Limbaugh lovers on texags compared to here makes an impressive statement about the difference between aggy and normal people.
  12. Well, all I can say is that I contacted both Satan and God on Twitter this morning. For the first time ever they agreed on something; namely that all of you bug fucking crazy people that believe any of this wild shit you read should just kill yourselves and let those two sort you out. If you won't do that just stfu and leave normal people alone.
  13. The Marines on Iwo Jima had friends that list their lives to enemy fire. These dipshits have friends that lost their feet to diabetes. I don't know of anything that is beneath contempt but these worms are close. Left up to me they would have their feet set in concrete in front of an Iwo Jima memorial and be left there until the rodents clean their bones.
  14. No one has ever seen the likes of a criminal like Trump because no criminal has ever gotten away with so many crooked deals without getting caught or shot dead in the ass.
  15. Why would a man care if his dick tasted like tobacco after she got through with it?
  16. Yep, DDiD was number 3 on itunes national top play chart and that was last week.
  17. Oh, there's way more than three of us, I hope...
  18. Snicker! Oh please, don't put me in a better mood than I already am.
  19. That would be perfect if Goeb had to pay it out of his personal bribe money.
  20. Yes, there were good things but the year is not over yet. If Trump decides to totally shut the government down like he is threatening and has the power to do, everything so far has been minor. If he cannot be impeached in a week, the only solution is going to be for somebody to shoot his worthless ass and tell Pence "OK Mr. President, do the right thing or you are next", and continue the succession list until someone does what needs to be done to save all our asses.
  21. Damn, I had to do a search for that name. Hard to believe I never heard that before. But the word cuntburger is definitely a perfect title for our AG.
  22. I guess I should be glad not to be in charge of policing the riots Trump is trying to organize on Jan. 6. How many law enforcement people will be needed if a mob of several thousand goes apeshit like Trump suggests? Sooner or later a large number of innocent people will be killed because of these nuts and I will tell anyone who bitches about crowd control that they need to be there to share in the dying.
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