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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. This morning I see a report saying that the security chief Trump fired said there was no evidence of tampering with voting machines. Have to give him credit for probably knowing the truth would get him fired.
  2. Oh goody, he and the Washington Monument are both falling to the right.
  3. Just saw an article stating that in a lot of cities where Trump held late and well attended rallies, he got a smaller share of votes than in 2016. Apparently a lot of people who attended were not impressed. I am starting to hope that there may still be a chance for this country to come to its damn senses.
  4. "I just got a text from my mom that linked to a tweet. First part said something about POTUS being born on an eclipse. Then dates tomorrow and Monday. I asked her to stop sending this stuff. She took it as “never send me a text again”. Awesome." Damn! Some people have all the fkn luck!
  5. Since Trump is apparently willing to believe anything, there has to be some place to find a person who could convince him that offing himself would be a great idea. Is that too much to hope for?
  6. As much as I despise Trump, I find it hard to believe that he does not know his lawsuits are a waste of time. My concern is what in hell he is trying to cover up by keeping the public's attention on his lawsuits.
  7. Now he tells a reporter "Don't ever talk to the President of the United States that way". Boo hoo hoo, wish someone would tell Trump "Don't ever try to fuck over the American public that way".
  8. I watch what is going on with Trump pardoning criminals and acting like the ass he has always been, and I fear I can see exactly what is going to happen. Namely, most of us will be so fkn glad to be rid of him for a while that we will tend to forget all the bad shit he has done. Then, four years from now it will come back and bite us right in our forgiving asses. My only hope for any improvement four years from now is that he either dies from self importance or somebody does the world a favor and somehow offs his worthless ass.
  9. With every stupid thing that crazy mfer Trump does, I pat myself on the back for knowing he was a nutcase long ago; unfortunately it does not make me feel one bit better about where he is leading us. My only remaining hope is that he does something so outrageously criminal that there will be no choice except to lock his ass up.
  10. As long as Trump is the first one executed, I am all fkn for it.
  11. Does a good manicure include pulling off the stickon nails before the cuticles become too exposed?
  12. Seriously folks, the secret service was recently sent to my tiny hometown to investigate a threat video posted to some political bigshot. Now that I see this post by Lesazure he is my number one suspect.
  13. Just saw an article in which a large group of psychiatrists are saying that Trump is insane. Wonder how much someone might have paid me for knowing this 30 or 40 years ago? The mind boggles...
  14. Oh, I don't know about that. It would seem he appears to be serious about one thing...
  15. And it finally ends when the last two survivors come face to face in the ruins and one kills the other. Then there will be peace among mAn. I seem to remember some story from my childhood that this all started with a fight between brothers. Cain and Abel, or something like that?
  16. Now that two more states have certified Biden as the winner, can someone please tell Trump to just stfu and gtfo? Oh, never mind. Hey Trump, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out!
  17. Damn, her mouth is big enough toooooooo oooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo
  18. I guess I should be grateful to Trump because I have not seen Manning on tv in weeks.
  19. What is this thing I just heard about three or four heads of state openly laughing about Trump?
  20. Maybe that is why Trump is such a crook, he thinks he can't go to jail. He has done enough crooked crap to be sentenced to life, and that is exactly what he needs.
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