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Seasick Sailor

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Everything posted by Seasick Sailor

  1. That and the 2015 Astros didn't have a chance to win the division the next day.
  2. I'm still hoping for the division, so Mariners.
  3. Wow. So we were really shitty on the road then.
  4. Dbacks lost
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a losing record at home in 2020.
  6. Runner Ron third with one out: our kryptonite.
  7. So we are definitely going to need Montero or Maton to get outs tonight. Perfect.
  8. Fully expected that to go off the rails. Maybe there’s hope?
  9. So I guess this is the final battle in the long running Baker/La Russa rivalry. So glad we get to witness it.
  10. 9-1 Angels. Sure would be great if we could pull our heads out and score some runs.
  11. It's time to admit that we are all in an abusive relationship with the 2023 Houston Astros. Sure they've spent the last two weeks on a bender beating the shit out of us every night, but they brought home flowers last night, so they've clearly changed. Plus, how would we get by without them?
  12. What about this season makes you think we will play better against the Twins than the Rays?
  13. Has there been any official word on Brantley?
  14. But see this illustrates the problem perfectly. It doesn’t have to reduce Diaz’s plate appearances. It only does because our dipshit manager refuses to play Diaz at the position where is is better than the other guy in every measurable category.
  15. Down five runs with 8 outs to go. Scoring runs is infinity more important than any intangible. Yet Maldy gets an AB. Fuck Dusty Baker. Fuck him for allowing it. And fuck him for doing it so consistently that it isn’t even surprising.
  16. I've crunched all the numbers in the magic number posts and I think the below is correct: JUST FUCKING WIN
  17. I think those numbers are decidedly worse in recent outings though.
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