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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. I agree. And don’t leave a fucking voicemail!
  2. Start reading up and let your imagination go wild. I dropped around 750k points to go to Italy and Cabo this year without spending any $$$ on airfare or hotels. CC points make it possible when loyalty program accruals alone won’t suffice. Do the math on Orlando. Simple $/point redemption and see how it compares to Hawaii or Caribbean. My guess you will get the most value with points to Hawaii assuming it’s still there.
  3. Love this paragraph from WSJ. Tra­di­tional fi­nance had lit­tle in­cen­tive to build con­nec­tions to crypto be­cause, un­like gov­ern­ment bonds or mort­gages or com­mer­cial loans or even de­riv­a­tives, crypto played no role in the real econ­omy. It’s largely been shunned as a means of pay­ment ex­cept where un­trace­abil­ity is para­mount, such as money laun­der­ing and ran­somware. Much-hyped crypto in­no­va­tions such as sta­ble­coins and DeFi, a sort of au­to­mated ex­change, mostly fa­cil­i­tate spec­u­la­tion in crypto rather than use­ful eco­nomic ac­tiv­ity.
  4. The Netflix documentary in three years is going to be mist watch.
  5. We really should have let Patton take the third army and steam roll Russia. from Wiki: In its advance from the Rhine to the Elbe, Patton's Third Army, which numbered between 250,000 and 300,000 men at any given time, captured 32,763 square miles (84,860 km2) of German territory. Its losses were 2,102 killed, 7,954 wounded, and 1,591 missing. German losses in the fighting against the Third Army totaled 20,100 killed, 47,700 wounded, and 653,140 captured.[192]
  6. The only time boots over jeans, or when wearing shorts, is when you are goofin’ new boot goofin’
  7. The wife is 8 months pregnant with the third. She barely wants me to look at her let alone touch her. Star Wars is about all I’m going to get.
  8. Hey you need to shoot your shot when you see it.
  9. Jimbo is certainly better at contracts.
  10. Closest hotel that you would feel comfortable staying at is like 45 minutes away.
  11. Damn. Y’all need to watch the sequence in the 52’ I think. Iran had two shots on goal hit the beam back to back.
  12. I managed to get my wife to watch the season finale of Andor last night on an iPad. We were snuggled up in some bed from the depression area, if I had to guess, that is bigger then a double but smaller then a queen!? I don’t know, it was a mind fuck, and uncomfortable as hell. My “side” of the bed had lost all supporting characteristics around 1989 or so. I’m fairly certain it did something to my back that is going to make today suck. Anyway, my wife has never watched Star Wars anything. I was super pumped because Andor is amazing and I thought for sure she would have to admit this is some quality streaming goodness. Haha nope.
  13. Get on the stretcher you fuck. That looked super painful.
  14. I'm calling BS on this, does not seem believable.
  15. May as well be. Listening to welsh sounds like those underwater recordings of whales.
  16. Fucking shit fuck. The new plane won’t be ready. There is only one seat installed because the interior is way behind. And now I have to drive to somewhere near Abilene with two kids from Houston and a very pregnant wife. This is some BS. When I joined this family all the non extended family lived nearby. Now the BIL has moved out west and for some reason this year we need to go all the way out there. I might need to play the health card. I don’t think my wife wants to do an at home birth since there are no hospitals out there.
  17. Guys they know who Jack is. From NYT: The first call to the man, Jack DuCoeur, was at 2:26 a.m., and there were six more over the next 26 minutes, with the final one at 2:52, Ms. Goncalves said. She said Mr. DuCoeur, also a student at the university, missed them because he was sleeping, and that her sister’s phone account did not show any other calls. Ms. Goncalves said Mr. DuCoeur, who did not respond to a request to discuss the case, had been a childhood friend of her sister’s. She said that they had been dating for years until recently, when they decided to take an amicable break. Ms. Goncalves said she and her family “stand behind Jack 100 percent and know he absolutely had nothing to do with this at all.”
  18. It will be soon when we join the sec.
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