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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. I caught the Omicron finally as well. Only symptoms were dry cough, slight congestion, and maybe some fatigue? I have two young kids though so I’m always tired. No fever (although I took Advil Cold and sinus to manage cough) and symptoms lasted 5 days.  I had the free at home test kits so I took one and it was positive. 

    The rest of the family all caught it from me. Wife had similar symptoms which lasted a week (she tested positive). The kids kicked the deal in 2 or 3 days. We didn’t test them though.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    I used to think we had a mess of a grid. Now I think we have a mess of a grid and people trying to make it snow inside.

    Don’t worry. I leave Houston for at least a month between July and August for Wyoming and set the house to 82 the entire time. Doing my part. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Fuck conservation, my shit's on 72 and I ain't raising it.  But we're on the Entergy grid anyway so don't have to put up with y'alls ghetto ass shit.

    This upstairs at 72 for the kids and downstairs 74 until it’s time to sleep and then it’s 70. My most expensive bill last year was ~$200 so the house seems efficient. 

    Also after trying Griddy the summer before the freezeapoclypse and spending $400 in two days I locked in on a 4 year plan that makes me look a genius now. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Damn I feel for the folks who need formula. Cannot imagine the stress. 

    Our family was blessed and my wife was able to breastfeed both our boys until around 15 months so I never dealt with formula. 

    We have a third on the way and hopefully we are lucky again and hopefully this mess is fixed well before our due date. 

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  5. 18 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Back in the late 90s during a Y2K upgrade project I was on, I met a contractor who was in his 50s and still a major in the Air Force Reserve, but it was an odd arrangement - he didn't have to report like a normal reservist, but a few times a year they'd have him go and troubleshoot or do some Ada programming.  They kept him on the books so to speak, so that when they needed him, they didn't have to deal with civilian contracts/etc., because when they needed him, they really needed him, like right then and there. He liked being in the AF Reserve without the baggage (and he picked up a lot of lucrative contracts with defense companies).  On a side note, I was shocked at how much Ada was used in various aircraft and other systems.

    Anyways, I'm guessing this Russian dude had a similar arrangement, only it involved looting.  Maybe he proved very adept at it in Afghanistan and then Georgia.

    I found this article to be a fascinating read about Ada and the 777. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Patek 40th anniversary.  Bought it 120.  Was worth 550 when jacked.  Close to million now.  So you should be more like me.  Obviously 

    This. The right watches are an asset that appreciates. Because Covid did stupid stuff with luxury items watches have been extra lucrative if you know what to look for or trade into. 

    That watch is too expensive for me though. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Bumping this. I have been with Verizon for years now, but just had my first experience with their customer support. Long story short: Fuck Verizon. I'm think of moving to Xfinity mobile. I'd save about $350 a year. Does anyone have any experience with them?

    Xfinity Mobile throttles your data after 20 GB. And the throttled speed is frikin slow. I used them for all of two weeks and switched to T Mobile which has been good for the most part. 

  8. 15 hours ago, midtown said:

    United is going to climb the airline ranks quickly.

    United has been great for the past year or so. I’ve had 75 or so flight segments on United in that time and didn’t experience any major fuckery outside of a few weather related delays. Also the new product on the Max 8 is great and the Polaris seat is very good. They need to up their catering game though. Covid isn’t an excuse anymore. 

    There was a medical emergency on my flight yesterday and they let the passengers decide if we would divert or not to save the persons life. It had to be unanimous and I yelled, “ VETO!” I appreciate that because I needed to be on time. That’s customer service. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    So... Do y'all think Ukraine is staying off ww3, or are you cheering for the little guy fighting off imperialism... Or some other thing?

    I mean, the US has... Well.... Texas and other land in similar fashion that Russia is trying to take Ukraine...  No?

    None of it belongs to any of us. We're all temps.

    I can count to 🥔

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. 17 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I bet they all stood up and clapped too and then broke into a spontaneous dance number to "A Brand New Day" from the Wiz

    Anyone walking around smiling in an airport is a psychopath.  They're hell on earth, masks or no masks.  Now you can't even mutter under your breath at the fat family from Magootville who have never been in one before rushing to catch their Spirit Airlines flight to Branson. 

    You should airport better. 

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