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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Good lord.  You people are arguing about wearing a thin multi-layer filter on your face.  

    Oh, the horror.


    After about two hours the string that keeps the thin multi-layer filter on my face starts to irritate the skin behind my ear and it hurts. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I am generally polite to people I meet.  I also tend to not talk politics or religion in polite society.

    I don't even really know what politics and religion are. I usually talk about the 1985 vintage of sangiovese I had 4 years ago that changed my life. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    well, maybe don't fly toddlers around during a deadly pandemic? I dunno.

    and fine, say 5 (or pick a fucking number - I don't care) and under is exempt and move the fuck on. this isn't hard.

    I love this post so fucking much. 

    You are talking about the age group least at risk from Covid but possibly most bothered with having to wear a mask? Whether that is communicating or just being able to wear one for any extended period of time? That age group? 

    You are correct, the age required to wear a mask should have been 5 or 8 but it wasn’t because a bunch of fucking idiots made this a political statement on both sides.

    I am very glad glad the mandate is gone. And hopefully @PenelopeWitherspoon and I will be sitting up front on the same flight soon, by chance. I think even with our different view points on things we could still be polite to each other on a hop across the pond. 

  4. On 4/16/2022 at 7:53 PM, bobcat1995 said:

    It not just the planes, you need them for trains and tourist attractions as well!  I laughed at the souvenir vendors selling the KN95 mask outside of all tourist attractions when we were in Italy for spring break.  I was upset when I found out my vaccine shots were too old and I needed a negative covid test every 48 hours to enter the tourist attractions.  A negative test to enter the country and then a negative test every 48 hours to enter the tourist stuff!  The least invasive test was the one to fly home.  I think that swab barely touched my nose.   

    Was all this in Rome? I did not put on a N95 once in the country and I did not see very many people wearing N95s either. Normal medical was the most common. We were in Florence and outside Cortona. 

    My wife declined to get the booster so she was nine months from her last shot. No issues entering the country and we were never asked about vaccination anywhere  we went except for one pizza joint in Florence. We were denied dining inside but could take the pizza to go.

  5. I found this out the other day. To get on a plane going to Italy you have to wear an N95 or KN95. Once on the plane no one cares what mask you have on. But to actually get on the plane I was turned around and had to go purchase an N95 in the terminal. It was the same when leaving Rome as well. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:


    They are.  And a complaint could have been made, but what made that comment CR material was saying, "the CDC and the administration is completely brain dead."  Also, saying wearing masks is, "complete theater" was another example in the same sentence.  I mean, come on, man.

    How about this. I think this administration is completely wrong with the extension and should remove the mask mandate. Does that belong in CR? I'd say the same thing if we were in an alternate universe where someone was on his second term. 

    Masks are political because we are a bunch of dumbasses. Arguing about the validity of continuing masks mandates in the present day doesn't need to be relegated to CR because someone used not nice words. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Negged and reported.  The bolded makes this CR.  Take it there if you want to complain.

    Are masks not apart of vacationing during covid? I sure hope this mask mandate is removed before I travel with my three year old at the end of June. No way he is wearing a mask on plane for any amount of time. Not sure what is CR about that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Well dammit. I tested negative for Covid so now I get to go home tomorrow. 

    Pro tip. Go to Laura Laureto’s store right off the piazza in Cortona. I bought a pair of dress shoes there and the Laura might be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 3/14/2022 at 11:28 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Is this the erotic novel about an American in his early 20s who doesn't know what to do with himself, but doesn't want to start working a corporate job in the US, so he goes to Japan, and he's teaching Japanese people how to speak English, with some American slang thrown in, and there's this one Japanese woman in her 40s who wants her teen daughter to learn English, and the mom can't afford the lessons (and she doesn't even speak English herself), so she bangs the guy every week as payment, and it was published by Blue Moon Books Inc. written like 20 years ago or so?

    Wait, that maybe Tokyo Story, which was a prequel to Yakuza Perfume about the guy and his brother stealing some perfume that makes women horny.

    I might be mixing those up, it was a long time ago.

    Late to this thread. 

    Shark Tank Writing GIF

  10. On 3/30/2022 at 3:45 AM, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    The very nice thing about Early September is that Americans are back in school...everywhere.

    Tourists are definitely out in early April but it’s no overwhelming. I am hearing a lot more English then I am used to. I think Americans are making up a larger % of tourists right now. Not very many people from Asian countries or other European countries it seems. 

    The service employees seem to be pleased since traffic is up and they probably aren’t annoyed yet with dumb travelers. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    It’s essentially out of the atmosphere if it’s going that fast, and there is no maneuverable at those speeds. Perhaps able to have a bit of a footprint like ICBM MIRV’s do, but they’re not changing course substantially. You’re getting into physics and heat that make that pretty unlikely unless they Bob Lazared that shit up. 

    I had an epiphany. Hypersonic missile with MCAS. Iron Dome… Patriot Missile Defense… Haha good luck stopping that. 

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