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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. Not Blue Bell.
  2. TIL Amtrak goes between Los Angeles and Chicago and it probably takes two weeks to transit.
  3. I hope you are finding a good sushi place. Hakashi Japanese Sushi Bar & Grill was awesome. I sat at the bar and the owner was great to talk to. He just started making all kinds of Sashimi and putting it in front of me. I don't think he has a liquor license so I just bought a bottle of Jeffersons at the corner liquor store to have with dinner. Bonus. I did not catch covid there.
  4. Early morning run is great. No need to bring water. Just leave you mouth open for a few seconds and you can capture enough water out of the air.
  5. If it burns it burns. I have too much junk anyway.
  6. 11 days until I go to Jackson Hole for a month. I’m going to pay for the trip by not running my A/C.
  7. That’s like $100 worth of pistachios.
  8. For some reason my dumbass did not remember you can book flights through chase’s travel portal and use points. To the airline it is like you payed with cash. On my work trip to Boston my wife decided to go last minute. Miles through United was 42k round trip. Using points on the Sapphire came in at 31k points. And she received 3k miles for taking the trip. Looks like I’ll be using this method to fly the family to Seattle in September as well. I’ll save about 38k points because United’s dynamic award chart is shit and I haven’t seen a saver award in forever.
  9. Flying private is the biggest waste of money out there. Yes, it is convenient, but just wasteful, not to mention not friendly to the environment. But you do you. It’s pretty fantastic when traveling with kids and going out to West Texas or the better beaches in FL.
  10. Why not do both? Work won’t pay for av fuel sadly.
  11. I went to the game on Tuesday. What a perfect night for baseball. I was even able to stream the Astros go-ahead HR against the Rangers in these seats.
  12. Work travel is every person for themselves. I usually try to get intel on other coworkers flights and I make sure I am on different itinerary. Family right now is me taking the three year old, one year old, the stroller, and the bags with 18 different types of liquid through clear and pre line while my wife goes through the poors line.
  13. Y’all use some terrible radar apps.
  14. What airline? Either the app lets you check in or not. Then I’d call? You should be fine unless you like getting your brain tickled.
  15. We had 26 people on a yacht from Miami Beach. It was also 105 ft long. Probably need a bigger boat, more life jackets, or a bigger insurance policy.
  16. There is too much to think about when buying a vehicle for 5. Anyone have any experience with the diesel engine they are putting in the Yukons and Suburbans now?
  17. Good info. I am working off the assumption that we won’t make road trips past 3 hours. But I didn’t even think about sports… not sure how I could be that dumb, my oldest is three, and is probably a year out from starting soccer or T ball. My FIL has a 09 suburban with 40k miles sitting up in J Hole. He offered it to us but it doesn’t have any cameras or sensors and no leather seats so my wife said no. I think it’s perfect. I mean parallel parking is kind of difficult, I had no idea how much I rely on those sensors, but I think we would get use to it.
  18. Driving an X5. We need something with third row and captains chairs for the second row.
  19. Good bucket list. I provided my comments on the places I’ve been.
  20. I found out recently that I have a third kid on the way. This means we need a bigger vehicle. I hate buying vehicles which is why I haven’t since 15. Seems like if we are going with a Tahoe or GLS (yes my wife doesn’t know what the hell she wants) I should just put an order in now so it’s ready by Jan 23?
  21. I too would look for an excuse to go to Spain. Kind of like how I found a conference in Key West that looked “important” to attend.
  22. Damn. That is tough to read. WTF. It just makes me sick.
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