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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. The two partners in the plane are CFIs in retirement and I can fly.
  2. Holeeee fuk. My contract ends next March. Shit needs to get sorted.
  3. It is but it also adds value and it’s a write off or something. The real pricey stuff was completed before purchase. The plane was overhauled so the clock is back at zero.
  4. She has arrived. Now it’s off to get all new Garmin avionics. Then new interior. And finally new paint. Should be all done by October.
  5. Oh damn. I don’t know. Need to go back and see. edit: or google it 😉
  6. I am through episode 4 and have really enjoyed the season thus far. The gun fight in the house as they escape to the pizza van was frikin awesome. The soundtrack is on point and I love the sound effect of the grandfather clock. I do hope most of you all are watching this on an Atmos equipped system. The sound effects are awesome and adds a whole other dimension to watching.
  7. i’d start collecting.
  8. This latest Vegas trip was a solo trip for work. The only reason I did not die was because I tried to die on my trip to Miami Beach a couple weeks prior. Something about being on a yacht all day, drinking, and not really eating creates a bad combo.
  9. When you are a 50 year old Russian you really only have about 10 years left. Seems like the risk/reward analysis could make sense for signing up.
  10. That’s from the NYT app. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/05/27/us/texas-school-shooting/a-border-patrol-tactical-team-was-ordered-to-hold-back-before-confronting-the-gunman?smid=url-share
  11. And this alters the timeline posted above. BP was there earlier and prevented from going in!? WTF.
  12. Damn. I feel like my job is turning into this and it is starting to get tiring. I finally canceled a trip next week because I didn’t want to be flying 4 weeks in a row and because I would be going to Philadelphia.
  13. It was great. I hosted a party of ten and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the food and the experience. We ordered 4 dozen oysters, the ceviche tacos, bone marrow, grilled cheese dumplings, Brussels, and two of the tomahawk ribeyes which were extremely tasty and actually cooked medium rare. I might be forgetting one or two dishes but no one left hungry.
  14. If you do will you promise to get a haircut?
  15. Beauty and Essex tonight. I need some bone morrow, grilled cheese dumplings, and to look at some woman that I can’t afford.
  16. Vegas is busy for a Monday night. I had to wait awhile to get a spot at a craps table. Also saw a $50 min table. No thanks. I’m going to need the Dow to have about 20 more days like yesterday. Went to Joe’s Seafood last night. It was very good and probably worth a recommendation. One thing I always like about eating in Vegas is the professionalism of the wait staff at a lot of the establishments. Our waiter was on point.
  17. I’m pretty sure I caught the Omicrons here in Miami. It was worth it.
  18. I caught the Omicron finally as well. Only symptoms were dry cough, slight congestion, and maybe some fatigue? I have two young kids though so I’m always tired. No fever (although I took Advil Cold and sinus to manage cough) and symptoms lasted 5 days. I had the free at home test kits so I took one and it was positive. The rest of the family all caught it from me. Wife had similar symptoms which lasted a week (she tested positive). The kids kicked the deal in 2 or 3 days. We didn’t test them though.
  19. Don’t worry. I leave Houston for at least a month between July and August for Wyoming and set the house to 82 the entire time. Doing my part.
  20. This upstairs at 72 for the kids and downstairs 74 until it’s time to sleep and then it’s 70. My most expensive bill last year was ~$200 so the house seems efficient. Also after trying Griddy the summer before the freezeapoclypse and spending $400 in two days I locked in on a 4 year plan that makes me look a genius now.
  21. Damn I feel for the folks who need formula. Cannot imagine the stress. Our family was blessed and my wife was able to breastfeed both our boys until around 15 months so I never dealt with formula. We have a third on the way and hopefully we are lucky again and hopefully this mess is fixed well before our due date.
  22. I found this article to be a fascinating read about Ada and the 777. http://archive.adaic.com/projects/atwork/boeing.html
  23. I reserve judgement until I know if there was an ADU on the property/encampment.
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