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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. Quote

    U.S. officials have picked up intelligence that Russia is considering Wednesday as the possible date for the start of military action, according to multiple officials briefed on the material. Those officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information, acknowledged the possibility that the mention of a particular date could be part of a Russian disinformation effort.

    Obviously disinformation. If anything is happening it’s on a Tuesday. Although with the time difference it could be Tuesday here when Putin sends it. 

  2. Most likely going into a C421 assuming nothing stupid happens with the seller. With the money saved by not going turboprop dropping $200k into a completely new avionics panel. The all Garmin panel in the Baron has spoiled us. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 53 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Demographics don't look good for either of them.



    Yea that’s not ideal. One of my favorite classes I took at UT was a class about demographics. It was fascinating. 

    The professor basically said Arab spring would happen about 6-12 months before it did and said Russia and China were in trouble starting in 20s for Russia and mid 30s for China. 

  4. On 1/27/2022 at 7:50 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    This is complete 100% bullshit.

    That said, Young is guilty of embracing or ignoring science due to politics.  I don't understand how you can be anti-GMO and pro-vaccine.  Well, I can, because this country is full of comically hypocritical people.  We're just used to mocking the right wing ones more.

    Neil Young is a certified badass all time rock and roll great with a handful of suspect opinions.  I'm bummed that he pulled his music off Spotify, but I own his best albums (On The Beach, Tonight's the Night) already anyway.

    Lulz. I was going to post this. That Monsanto song/album was shit anyway. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Shady Ray said:

    First, Germany has a long standing, codified govt policy of not delivering arms to conflict zones unless it has a formal security agreement with such a country, mainly through NATO. This, of course, arises out of German post-WW2 pacifism.

    How does Egypt qualify? Out of the list on the link below Egypt was the only one that seemed interesting. 



  6. 22 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    Africa is an interesting topic. I get that for the past 100+ years, the West and now China rape Africa of natural resources and shit on the people by bribing assholes and using force to keep them in corrupt leadership but got damned if they don't make their some of their own shitty luck sometimes. Am I wrong to think that?


    I'm not versed on Burkina Faso. Is the President a "good" guy or is he there because some Western country made it so he could be their puppet? Should I be concerned (mildly) or happy he's gone missing?


    racist comedy central GIF

  7. My favorite job was a service job. I sold beer at the woodlands pavilion and the Houston Rodeo for six years between high school and college. It paid for all my drinking money and then some. All cash. It became less lucrative once credit cards were required. And by that I mean frequency of transactions was a lot longer with credit cards. 

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