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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 2 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    Also, Giacomo's in the North End

    Second this. Vinoteca di Monica is great as well and they take reservations. Our waitress last time looked like Shakira so that was a plus. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Of the more long term kind....

    We have an office in London and in Geneva.  I would not be opposed to either of those.

    Geneva is blah. I'd go with London. 


    edit: although you can take the trains anywhere in Switzerland so it could be a good hub.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

    So glad I switched to United.  Upgrades are upgrades and I haven't had a flight canceled this year.

    This, no cancellations as well. And my worse delay was because someone said there was a bomb on the plane. Funny part was he was wrong. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    A common request on this board, but it ain't happening. They're not identical but definitely looked similar when younger. Mrs GOTJ is still stunning (exercise, good diet, takes care of herself, etc.) Her sis has had 2 kids and pretty much let herself go after that.

    That actually brings up an epic fuck up by the FIL. About 15 years ago at a family gathering just as we're sitting down for dinner, drunk FIL says to his daughters "xxxx I'm glad you're fatter than xxxx. It's easier for me to tell you apart. "

    SIL burst into tears and ran out of the room. MIL slaps FIL hard across his back. BIL is mortified, turns red and runs after his wife to calm her down. And it was all I could do not to spit take my wine all over the table.

    GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

  5. Just now, Gut Wagon said:

    I understand the hand wringing...but I'll worry about Game 7 when there is one. And when it gets here, I'll feel great knowing that whatever else transpires, Zack is going to pitch an immaculate top of the 12th and then hit one off the train to end this story. 

    will ferrell omg GIF

  6. 14 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

    They also stated that masks must be put back on between bites and sips.  Well, fuck that part.

    Having been privileged to fly 50 something flight segments with United this year I’ve rarely seen this enforced (but some flight attendants are on point). 

    On my last flight I used the lavatory before we were going to descend because the three G&T’s I had was putting pressure on the bladder and while in there I took my mask off. It wasn’t until they were going around making sure your seat was up that someone asked for me to put my mask on. I had completely forgot. 

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