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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 8 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Maybe they are selling and NOT living somewhere now. Ever thought of that smart guy?   

    Not going to lie, I’ve asked the wife more than once if we can take the equity we’ve gained and live in the RV until this shit settles down.  Don’t think she understands what a few hundred thousand in instant cash can open up but it’s been a hard no. 

    The humorous part is how simple most people look at it. I bought home for X. It is know worth Y and I only owe Z. Subtract something here, add this there, and wow I made $XYZ. Not exactly that simple. 

    Still if you bought in Houston or Austin or Dallas (or numerous other locations) in the past few years you are doing better than renting. 

    Edit: I have said the same thing to my wife. Let's sell the house, take the equity, and live in one of our families' vacation homes for a year or so before kids are old enough to be in school. 


    10 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    There will always be a place for renters.


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