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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. Just now, TexArcher said:

    Gonna be relentlessly optimistic for a minute and note that they've had so many baserunners that they're already through the heart of their order going into the third while we'll have the top of ours.

    Feels like we've got to get something back this inning.

    Where do I subscribe. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Me too. I posted about that after Friday. Regardless of what happens this team has proved blah blah blah. And it’s true. 
    feel the same way about losing in the final 4 as well. I mean, you never want to lose but it just stings less than if you were to lose one round earlier. 

    I am confused about this. We are winning. 

  3. 1 minute ago, alphahorn said:

    Stanek was great. His misses were unhittable and could have been called strikes. Unfortunately the ump has been very good and consistent all night and didn't bite on Maldo's framing

    I’ll give you the first missed strike. But the second missed strike was a strike and should have been a strikeout. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Just now, alphahorn said:

    Both of those pitches were near misses.  Neither crossed the plate in the hitting zone.  They were close and Maldo framed them well, but they were both balls.

    You have the camera angle looking down at the plate? 

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