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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mantis Toboggan, MD said:

    Counter-counter point: the government is going to be responsible for rescuing and taking care of people who stay behind, so it is certainly a reasonable for them to seek to reduce that burden. Also, if the last couple years hasn’t made it obvious, but we have a lot of morons in this country who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own health and well-being and end up burdening everyone else with their donkey brained decisions.

    Counter-Counter-Counter point: people suck. 


    Edit: and are very bad at risk analysis. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 6 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    The giant electrical transmission tower that sends major lines from west to east bank has fallen in the Mississippi. That provides 90% of power to Metairie and New Orleans. HUGE fuckup.

    Also, power out and no good drinking water in both parish water treatment plants. Residents asked to limit water use so sewerage does not back up. Several week wait for power.

    Did they ground the damn thing? 

  3. 1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:

    CNN just had a guy on who is riding it out at Grand Isle on a boat. Said they got trapped and the storm came upon them quicker than they expected.

    bold GIF

    but really. The timeline for the storms arrival has been available for awhile. Not sure how it catches you unexpectedly. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day, drink whiskey and or wine practically every day, in my 40s, and my liver has never felt better. 

    Coffee (black) definitely has a protective effect for some reason and that’s not just some Internet research bullshit. Like actual real world studies with guys in white lab coats and shit. 

    Boom! I like it. All my coffee drinking is black as well. I’m going to google this study and send to my wife so she stops giving me so much grief for drinking multiple cups of coffee a day. 

  5. 13 hours ago, UT_OB1 said:

    I’m afraid to get my liver tested, but fortunately I drink about 6 cups of black coffee a day with a shot of espresso mixed in each one. 

    You should really do it. Right around when I turned 30 I started reading some articles about 30 somethings with liver damage and it freaked me out. 

    I went, got a baseline, and now I go every year to make sure liver enzymes, lipids, and a whole bunch of other stuff is good. 

    My liver checked out great. Perhaps it is all the coffee I drink 😉

  6. 9 minutes ago, We’reTexas said:

    I’m fairly confident in the levees given the backlash after Katrina. The biggest danger is flooding. In 2017 severe rainstorms uncovered significant problems with SW&B’s drainage system, and as you’d expect the city hasn’t done much to alleviate the problem on its own. Latoya basically shrugged and said, “This is a city that floods”, and now you’ll get a nice tweet letting you know you can park your car on the neutral ground. 


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