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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. but really. The timeline for the storms arrival has been available for awhile. Not sure how it catches you unexpectedly.
  2. How does the LTE signal not get blown away?
  3. Boom! I like it. All my coffee drinking is black as well. I’m going to google this study and send to my wife so she stops giving me so much grief for drinking multiple cups of coffee a day.
  4. You should really do it. Right around when I turned 30 I started reading some articles about 30 somethings with liver damage and it freaked me out. I went, got a baseline, and now I go every year to make sure liver enzymes, lipids, and a whole bunch of other stuff is good. My liver checked out great. Perhaps it is all the coffee I drink 😉
  5. What a complete cluster (beyond the cluster it was before) it must be there right now.
  6. WSJ had an article saying it was going to 6 months.
  7. Guys the correct answer is always Lake Charles.
  8. This is a good listen. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/honestly-with-bari-weiss/id1570872415?i=1000532793045
  9. I think the 40% (10 people total) vaccinated in Menard are related to me.
  10. How do they decide which refugee gets to sit in business? That 773 has the Polaris seat which is pretty nice.
  11. Fucking dammit. I have to travel to Stillwater for work next week. I guess I’ll get my third and fourth shot tomorrow just to be safe. @Sbbruin, possibly save me a spot on the floating pyre.
  12. There is not going to be enough space on my vaccine card for boosters 5, 6, 7, and 8!
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