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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. I did not report my test result. Maybe work did but I doubt it.
  2. So we packed up our stuff and went to the SEC?
  3. Magnolia ISD: 8/11. Conroe ISD: 8/11. Tomball ISD: 8/17. Klein ISD: 8/18. *** GULP *** HISD: 8/23.
  4. Houston area needs to keep the current trajectory (on avg cases). Hospitalization isn't great.
  5. Correct. Obama administration drew down forces from 100,000 to 10,000 without announcing a deal or anything with the Taliban.
  6. Sure. But images and the situation seen from Kabul airport did not have to be this way?
  7. Fuck. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily/id1200361736?i=1000532138610
  8. While gross it keeps your kids from getting ear infections.
  9. At least we have memes. edit: should probably add a few more folks to the couch.
  10. The dealership wanted a check or a wire. I don’t have any checks and wire has a fee so I did not want to do that. It was surprising.
  11. I put a Keurig and refrigerator in my office so I don’t have to leave. The peeing in plastic bags is a little gross but I hide them in the corner.
  12. Building codes seem on par with Miami.
  13. Counting cases is a proxy for how much finding out there will be from fucking around.
  14. Has anyone bought their Tesla with an Amex? The internet has a few examples of folks being successful but it doesn’t seem too probable. On my last car purchase the BMW dealership was not going to let me put TT&L on a card because it was over $2k until I said I would not purchase the car.
  15. What tracker shows this? I only look at NYT and TMC.
  16. This virus will only mutate in the US. Spike protein out front should have told you.
  17. Not sure the hate for Idaho. It’s a pretty great state to visit. And Boise is bumping.
  18. I’m going in October. I better figure out how to get that vaccine card to fit in my wallet.
  19. That’s good enough for me. Where do I get this again? Tractors Supply?
  20. fuck it is sad that this simple concept is completely lost on some folks.
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