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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. Whoops.


    In its own statement, the DarkSide group hinted that an affiliate may have been behind the attack and that it never intended to cause such upheaval. Like some other ransomware groups, DarkSide offers to sell its malware to others in what is known as “ransomware-as-a-service,” according to the cybersecurity firm Cybereason.

    In a message posted on the dark web, where DarkSide maintains a site, the group suggested one of its customers was behind the attack and promised to do a better job vetting them going forward.


  2. On 5/9/2021 at 8:18 AM, Message Board User said:

    Although official attendance data have not yet been released, a survey of L.A. Unified parents indicated that about 17% of high school students would come back to campus.

    Despite detailed planning, the majority of secondary school students in California’s largest districts will end their year much like it began — fully online, according to state data. For many, it will mean 17 or 18 months away from classrooms.

    Zoom in a room...

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  3. 10 hours ago, NTVTXN said:

    Because 99% of its inhabitants are old wrinkly/pruned-up sun baked raisins of human beings who obviously already “hit their number” and can afford retire in a such a place. 

    TLDR- them old’s ain’t come to play schoo

    Yea but the 1% is pretty good. I guess they probably don’t live in actual Scottsdale. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    Phoenix is not a college town either. Flagstaff is though.

    Phoenix is like Denver. A geographically small city surrounded by other cities that make it seem like a bigger city. 

    edit. I didn’t finish my thought. Why isn’t there a college in Scottsdale?

  5. 15 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    Guy I grew up with got a full ride to Pepperdine.  No ragrets from him.

    My wife went to Pepperdine. I went to half a dozen weddings in Malibu over the last few years which turned into extended vacations. Why she ever left for me? I don’t know. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Hefeweizen said:

    You realize unvaccinated can be carriers right?  So to control the disease the more vaccinated there are, the better chance we don’t spawn all the new variants that can be coming?  It’s amazing the contrarianism that revolves around this disease.  Almost like it’s not about the disease at all.

    What if one of the variants ends up being a good variant and not a bad one. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 10 minutes ago, pearlandhorn said:

    Rant time. Kid (4 years old) is sick with what I think is strep. Tried to get him an appointment to see his doctor yesterday. Doctor said we had to do a telemedicine visit today at 9:30 in order to get a swab test for strep. Fine. Got on the computer and the PA is asking us all these COVID questions. I said he had COVID back in January (positive test by the same pediatrician office we’re at) and she says that all signs are pointing to COVID again and he needs a Covid test and not a strep test.

    I’m not a doctor but isn’t it nearly impossible to get this shit twice in 3 months? Additionally, I just want a fucking strep test. He doesn’t have COVID. Doctor’s office, especially pediatric doctors, are so hesitant to see any patients that are sick right now it’s infuriating. He won’t even be seen by a doctor and no one will look in his throat because he can’t go in the office. They’ll only give him a test for Covid and send us home. I’m going to have to go to an urgent care to get a strep test.

    Fuck Covid.

    I get the rage. We had to take our kid to emergency room because pediatrics office won’t see any kids except for routine scheduled appointments. 

    Surprisingly the hospital didn’t do Covid test on our kid when we got there. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Also, first flight in a year...I have the ultimate workaround for you pussies who can't wear a mask for a 90 minute flight.  

    From the Glengarry school of scotch and pandemic mitigation.


    A.  Always 

    B.  Be

    D.  Drinking

    You're allowed to have your mask off as long as you're eating/drinking on domestic flight.  So as soon as they begin beverage service, I'm ordering non-stop until we begin final descent.  There is nothing more 'Murica than no mask, half in the bag, and touchin down in Texas to my Kid Rock medley on my Made in America Denon headphones.

    This is exactly what I've been doing. I've noticed United flights attendants by default give you two mini bottles now. Good way to limit exposure. 

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