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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. Step 1: Pull up the video on iPad. Step 2: Open you iPhone and select the camera; toggle to video. Step 3: IMPORTANT. Start recording video on iPhone then press play on iPad. Step 4:... Step 5: Profit.
  2. OD'd. Xanax laced with something is what I heard. It seems there is something bad circulating Austin. My sister is a nurse at the Dell Seton, and she says there has been a spike in young professionals at tech companies around Austin that have OD'd. Oracle lost a few employees.
  3. Damn. Not surprising that Nepal would follow India but the situation sounds even more dire given Nepal’s dependency on its southern neighbor. https://apple.news/Aw2UY7AhJTXC-arI7EGZdBA
  4. These folks have the brain capacity to fill a barrel, plastic container, or trash bag with gas. Do they now have enough capacity to siphon the gas into their gas tank?
  5. Charlotte to Honolulu stopping in Dallas. And flight to LHR stopping in Boston.
  6. I was told there would not be shortages yet! Fortunately this reporter in SC wasn’t on it.
  7. Whoops. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/white-house-creates-task-force-011812709.html
  8. This happened on Friday. News articles today are repeating same thing as Friday. That seems concerning.
  9. Dang. I thought I took a picture of the unexploded ordinance sign. Guess not. Plenty of these signs too along the road.
  10. Yea but the 1% is pretty good. I guess they probably don’t live in actual Scottsdale.
  11. I watched the first two episodes and enjoyed it so far. I liked the reference to El Camino del Diablo in episode 2. I was recently on that road a couple weeks ago. Awesome landscape.
  12. Phoenix is like Denver. A geographically small city surrounded by other cities that make it seem like a bigger city. edit. I didn’t finish my thought. Why isn’t there a college in Scottsdale?
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