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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 7 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Despite the new guidance for vaccinated travelers, the CDC says, people should stay home.

    "CDC is not recommending travel at this time due to the number of rising cases,'' director Rochelle Walensky said at a White House briefing in early April.

    Millions of Americans are ignoring the advice, with travel rising steadily this spring, according to Transportation Security Administration screening numbers and optimism about bookings from airline executives.

    Their messaging is so terrible and deserves to be ignored. If you are vaccinated you owe it to yourself and the local economies to go travel.

    Preferably go somewhere where you can be outdoors since it’s better for your health overall. 

  2. 15 hours ago, XYZ said:

    So Fauci doesn’t think the vaccines are worth a shit, I guess.

    From the NYT’s daily email. Fauci wants to speculate about variants while real data shows spacing out vaccine shots flattens the curve (the original goal). 


    The biggest worry about a longer delay between shots is that it may allow a new variant to develop in people while they are waiting for their second shot and do not yet have full protection. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top Biden administration adviser, opposes a longer delay largely because of this possibility.

    But it remains only a theoretical possibility, as Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce, a British health care writer, has noted. There is no data showing that variants are more likely to develop in people who have received only one shot, just as there is no data showing that a three- or four-week gap between shots is ideal.

    There is real-world evidence — from Britain — showing large benefits from maximizing the number of people who get one shot.

  3. 8 hours ago, Homercles said:

    Feel it how?  It only comes in very specific situations, unless your AoA sensors were both jacked up to the exact same degree. 

    I was being facetious. The only “mcas” sensation I had was the engines throttling down and the resulting downward pitch.

    It was a great ride and it was nice sitting in an interior that wasn’t used and abused. 

    High bypass engines are badass. The amount of space between core and cowling allows for some impressive photography. 



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