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Everything posted by Telegraph_it

  1. From the NYT’s daily email. Fauci wants to speculate about variants while real data shows spacing out vaccine shots flattens the curve (the original goal).
  2. I’ll report back when I’m 60 and let you guys know!
  3. Wait, you are telling me Winn-Dixie pharmacy wasn’t ready!? I’ll go with nefarious actions... thanks.
  4. We have the soft sweep. Let’s go for the sweep.
  5. I was being facetious. The only “mcas” sensation I had was the engines throttling down and the resulting downward pitch. It was a great ride and it was nice sitting in an interior that wasn’t used and abused. High bypass engines are badass. The amount of space between core and cowling allows for some impressive photography.
  6. No I didn’t! Damn I should have made it over there.
  7. My 40 plus flight segments in the last year think this is funny. I just completed a work trip to Seattle this week. The weather was amazing. The Olympics were on point.
  8. I finally flew on the Max from SEA to IAH. I could just feel the MCAS trying to come on as we were climbing over the Cascades. Overall nice ride. I like those high bypass engines. Feels like it’s pulling and not pushing.
  9. If enjoying Malbec, bife de lomo, and Argentine women makes one a nazi, then no, still not one. Back in 2013-14 you could buy BTC for under $10 in Argentina at one point. Meet a walking BTC ATM, hand over US dollars, have BTC transferred to your wallet.
  10. I would live in Australia or Argentina if I could not live in the US. Argentina will always be my favorite because that’s where I learned about the uses for Bitcoin and how people down there used it to avoid the currency manipulation by their government. Good investment advice.
  11. I hope that no one who works for PwC is in those emails.
  12. Flying into FCO just in time for lockdown. Nailed it.
  13. How many seconds between last bite or drink and masking? You are playing a dangerous game outside and all 🙃
  14. Barons are an awesome plane. My son recommends 100%. Run those two engines LOP and you can get 24 to 28 GPH. Pretty efficient!
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