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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 2 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    2 hours ago, LebongJames said:
    In Austin we finally dropped under 300 hospitalizations today. 106 in ICU and 73 on vents all lows since the peak.

    Good to see you guys getting your shit together. We've got 203 people hospitalized in the entire state.

    What state?

    Just kidding. You have let us know many times. That number is so low because you all are pricks and won't let us poor Texans feel welcome.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    I don't think dad has inherited the jet yet.  Grandma still owns it.  And the mountain house.  That's why he used the Royal We when discussing the mountain house ownership.  If he owned it, he would have said so.

    If I derive income from property in another state can I technically claim I live there?

    Checking with you since you seem like an authority on this. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I lifted that content Word for Word from a rather well-known individual.  If it’s my tone, and not the content, that you draw issue with... Then I think that makes you the prissy little bitch in this scenario.  

    It’s a thread about coronavirus, not your feelings.  Maybe I’m being a pretty little bitch on this thread, but you’re a damn woman through and through in all aspects of your life.  

    why don’t you let the men discuss the pandemic with the other men?  Because your heroes sure as fuck aren’t doing anything about it.  Have a cranberry juice, a tampon, and sit the next couple plays out

    Hero talk again. Who fucking thinks of a politician as a hero. Perhaps  that’s the problem with you CR folk. 

    Otherwise good post. Keep up the good work. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Ahhh, I get it.

    Yeah, totally agee.  IF there were actually any way to enforce the "no party" thing, then I likely would end up doing better, as well. :)

    What would have REALLY helped me, would have been a complete closure of The Posse and The Crown and Anchor.  Woulda saved me a ton of cash, too!

    I used 18 months of free credit to pay for my Crown and Anchor tab among others. How Chase gives a kid $14k credit limit still amazes me. 

    I did have to live at home for 4 months or so to pay that down once I graduated. It was worth it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Yep, we are doing...by far...one of the worst jobs in the world but we refuse to admit it.  Spain and Italy at least faced their ineptitude early on and tried to course-correct...we seem to be doubling down on our stupidity and selfishness.  I still think, mathematically, we get a brief reprieve in October and then have a November-February that perhaps marks the worst time in United States since 1942.  

    dripping short film GIF

  6. 4 hours ago, Rougarou said:

    Spring semester, freshman year, I got put on probation. Not scholastic or academic probation, but behavioral probation. Because I got hammered and was walking back from West Campus to Jester at 4 am and a police/security guard detained me, took my information and two weeks later I had to go to a meeting and take this punishment. Didn't even know you could do that or that was possible, but essentially I just had to stay out of trouble and do an alcohol class (with like 8 other students) and the hold would be lifted.

    I can foresee UT trying to enforce their no parties rule like that, maybe?

    What year was this!?! 

  7. 27 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Good luck.  I just found out today that we still have 2 employees out for extended periods of time, both still testing positive.  One has been out 12 weeks, the other 16 weeks.  I think there are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to the sneaky little bastard known as Covid19.

    Damn. My grandfather tested positive for 9.5 weeks without symptoms before he got three negative tests in 48 hours and was admitted back into assisted living. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Pretty sure you're going to be wrong about that. We have an entire crowd of people there yet none of the witnesses have reported him firing his weapon and all of the witnesses I've read said the driver fired at him point blank.

    A handgun and an AK sound identical so I’m sure we will never know. Also AK spent shells  recovered if the AK was fired. Maybe the witnesses are right or maybe they are wrong. Wait and see. 

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