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Posts posted by Telegraph_it

  1. 11 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Hate to break it to you, but case counts have risen dramatically over the last week or so here in Texas. Yesterday, we recorded our highest one-day count of new infections throughout this entire ordeal. The data also seem to show early indications that deaths might be picking back up too. So take that for what it's worth.


    You can't just look at daily positives. You need to also look at the number of tests being done as well. Also for some reason Texas mixes PCR and antibody tests results together which confuses the picture of how many new cases Texas really has. It seems NYT's might be taking the antibody number out of their results as they show 1,578 new cases vs 3,281 on the tableau site for 5/31.




    edit: @bschoolprof beat me to it. 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    It’s where the jobs, business industries etc. are. It’s the same reason DFW is overrun with out of staters. And it’s not because they dreamed of the Metroplex. 

    Go to Teterboro, White Plains, Morristown, Philly NorthEast, Martin State, Dulles and probably a few others I’ve neglected on Friday afternoon and you’ll find most of the super wealthy people you think love the NE so are getting the fuck out of the NE on the nearest available private jet. 

    Usually to that bastion of culture and fine living known as Florida. 

    Personally it’s Hooks for me and sadly it is usually to Florida. The economics of flying there vs WY is better (time and $$$). 


  3. 3 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Was sitting by my window wondering why their was a helicoptor hovering outside.  Protest marching up 1st Avenue.  All very peaceful.  NYPD walking with them.  No issues that I could see.




    The only issue I see (from a week and half ago) is they are outside. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    And now for Goyard. I do business with them regularly, both here and in Paris. They were running their distance acquisition out of this store. Items had been packed to.ship to customer. Those empty ripped boxes were found strewn all over E 63rd between the store and Central Park.


    i totally get that annie murphy GIF by Schitt's Creek

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And that....that shit...is why we are fucked.  

    The cops are doubling and tripling down.  They WANT this fight.  Because they WANT us to end up where they think we belong -- under their heel.  

    This is an enemy occupation military force, and they need to be expelled.

    In some ways I take this as a positive. That guys letter should be making a majority of Americans, who have watched these riots the last few days, go WTF that is your response!? 

    The letter is something tangible and clearly shows where some of the systemic problems we see arise from. We should be able to fix this. That guy needs to lose his job and lose any authority to dictate or influence any type of policy.

    State and Local authority figures need to single out this attitude and line of thinking toward the people who live in the community police officers are sworn to protect.Make it clear this is helping perpetuate the problem.

    I mean the letter is crazy. The frikin guy has the audacity to post in writing Floyd's past as if it somehow condones his murder.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    No, I’m not. If you’re part of the “I BACK THE BLUE!”, you did this. If you support a man who told cops they should smash suspects heads against the door of cop cars, you did this. If you excuse murder after murder of black men with whatever thin bullshit you can come up with (“if he’d have just listened, he’d be fine!”), you did this. You arrogantly thought that your way of thinking and being in this world could continue, consequence-free.

    It fucking couldn’t. Plenty of us have warned against this shit for years, over and over. It we were just “being paranoid,” and “overreacting.” And now we all have to reap what you sowed. We’re reaping it in fire and blood and destruction. We get to lament that, but you don’t. You fucking helped it happen.

    I have not seen many voices supporting the blue and the murder of Floyd. Your words come across as passionate, and just but who is the "you" that you are addressing? Is it the center of the country? The fringes? The stereotypical right leaning supporter you have in your head?

    I'd argue that the moral core of this country is disgusted by the murder of Floyd. This core is also disgusted by systemic racism and the looting and destruction of business across this country.

    Partisanship is destroying the core of this country. The core we need to overcome the social issues we are seeing play out now and fix these issues so our country can heal. How can we be so divided when many of us agree Floyd was murdered, and the majority are shocked and dismayed by the violence and vandalism we have seen these past few nights? Partisanship is a primary culprit.

    Please continue your message board tirades and hopefully leave them on this board. If you talk like this to people in person, you are doing your part to pull the center apart.

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

    No. I’m a grown ass man with agency and resources. I won’t do what you tell me.  I’ll stand here and bitch about my country as much as I damn well please.  And there isn’t a fucking thing you can do to stop me. 
    hillary clinton no GIF


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  8. Just now, StruggleBus said:

    Are you watching videos of these protests right now? Because it doesn’t look like anyone actually gives a fuck about any of the things you just mentioned. 

    Must be listening to Don Lemon. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Bone3421 said:

    Dallas cops being dicks...teargas, nonlethal rds it seems as girl on Twitter has blood running down her face from a head wound3d69f4d1af4f6dbcd07c32a6a0805f49.jpg

    Damn. That’s going to leave a mark. 

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