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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Horn02

  1. If a rapist, convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government wins the popular vote in this election then it’s hard to figure out where we go from here as a country. Trump pulling off a 2016 type win was always a possibility, but to win the popular vote after everything he’s done and said at this point is shocking to the core. It tells me a lot of people more people than I realized lack the ability to connect long term consequences to their near term actions.
  2. This assumes that Fox News viewers know what the word “metric” means. Unlikely.
  3. The irony is you probably demonize these people but you’re actually one of them - you’re just not self aware enough to realize it.
  4. This can’t be a serious post. I mean come on.
  5. If you can read this article and still do the mental gymnastics to say “totally fine”, then go fuck yourself. Secret classes to counter Russian brainwashing in occupied Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-68578822
  6. Too bad he’s an atheist. What a beating…
  7. How many of them are knocking on your door to “convert” you? Talk about a beating.
  8. I live in Boston (in the actual city, not a suburb) and have been in New England for the past 10 years including a lot of work in New Hampshire, Maine, etc. Your profile on the region is way off.
  9. Neither do the believers.
  10. I never post but I am an avid reader and appreciate all the great information shared on this forum. Put me down for $200 if you can point us to the Venmo/PayPal/whatever. Thanks for your hard work TB.
  11. @Beau Vine out of respect for the thread, I won’t quote your entire post but I will say it was one of the best I’ve seen - and the most thorough. That said, don’t forget about retweeting the “white power” video from FL. Just for the sake of completeness.
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