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  1. Yeah privacy concerns and all but what about the auto lock? The truck sensed a problem and went into lock down? Would it do that in an auto accident too?
  2. That bolded shit sounds like one of my all time favorite threads on the old shag....
  3. I gave my chatgpt a name, makes me feel like Tony Stark talking to Jarvis.
  4. That gator is so proud you can feel it through the video.
  5. Is $50 too much? I'm just guessing that's what it costs
  6. from the op's article: I'm wondering if little Soren was just walking home or fucking around and causing trouble on the way... I admit I don't understand people but there has to be more to the story.
  7. The post was about Argentina, that's why I am confused. I'm picking up now that people are adding a lot of context that I'm not.
  8. I don't understand tariffs either? So Argentina lowering import taxes hurts Elon how? Wouldn't that help foreign manufacturers?
  9. Makes sense if you think about it... Somebody's going to be giving the Cuban 1%ers backup power even if the rest of the island is dark. But I bet their "proprietary tech" is an antique Kohler with a crusty Ural engine.
  10. Zippering works well and should be promoted more - but it is not the same as the asshole that knows he needs to get over but speeds ahead and tries to cut in front of the people already waiting in the slow lane. The anger is for the line cutting assholes. Fuck those guys.
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