The place I used is about 60 miles away. Morning of I took the valium as we got in the car so it was hitting strong about the time we got there. I checked in and the receptionist told me that my doctor's dad had a heart attack that morning and he was out, but his partner was taking on his appointments that day and asked if I was OK with him performing the procedure. I told her her I was ready to go and I didn't care if she did it.
Wife and I sat down in the waiting area and after a few minutes this dude comes out to get me, wearing short sleeve scrubs with full sleeve tattoos down both arms:
He takes me to the room and starts getting things set up, had me drop my sweats down to my ankles and put this metal plate with a cable coming off of it under my ass and said it was a grounding plate, the tool they used to seal up the tubes worked like an arc welder, and it kind of looked like a soldering iron, then he put on a sheet to cover my nakedness. About this time the doctor comes in with another lady, he tells me she is a resident and would like to know if I was OK with her watching the procedure. At that point I was still floating on the Valium cloud, so told him I didn't give a shit if they streamed it live on youtube. Doctor asked if I had any questions and then he said "I have one more question for you before we begin, I like to listen to music while doing the procedure and have probably almost any song you can think of on my phone, what kind of music are we going to listen to today?" I asked if he had any Beastie Boys and he said "Hell yeah I got Beastie Boys!"
Doctor and resident left the room while Fast N' Loud finished doing nurse things. Then he gave me the shot of local anesthesia... Holy shit that was the most painful shot I have ever gotten. Doctor and resident come back in and they pull back the sheet to begin. My poor little penis, maybe it was from the Valium? I had full-on turtle dick syndrome and my guy looked like a lil chub sausage wearing a cinched up hoodie. I knew I was never going to see any of these people ever again, probably, but still, if you have to be all out on display then, you know what I mean, still embarrassing.
Doctor puts Beasties Boys on shuffle and starts cutting away to Sabotage. Before halfway through, the anesthetic wore off and I was starting to flinch some. Doctor noticed and ask if I was filling a pull - up in my stomach? I said, I'm not numb, I can feel what your doing. He goes "Oh, shit... Do you want another shot?" I said NO! this hurts less than that shot did, lets just get through it. He welded my tubes and sewed me up to Intergalactic and that was that, whole procedure took three, maybe four songs. At check out they gave me a brown paper sack with a cup in it and said come back with a sample in a couple months.
Took two days of PTO and had my procedure Thursday morning. Rest of the day I hung out in the guest room downstairs just watching movies and sleeping. Kept a bag of frozen peas on my crotch.
Day 1 of recovery, wasn't uncomfortable at all really. Just laid around watching TV with frozen peas on my crotch.
Day 2 of recovery, was the most sore this day but still not any real pain, another day of frozen peas.
Day 3 of recovery, felt perfectly fine and was really tired of sitting around but I didn't have shit to do so I still took it easy, I was up a lot more walking around but didn't FA too much. Went back to work the next day.
Worst part for me was the shot, then it not working but it still wasn't unbearable.
My advice FWIW:
1. Frozen peas really do work well. Get a few bags to have a rotation.
2. The only guys I know personally that had any issues was because they didn't follow the recovery plan because they were He-Man and felt perfectly fine afterwards, until they fucked themselves up.