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Everything posted by JMFP

  1. I suffer from central sleep apnea and always wondered if that could be related to SIDS...
  2. He just covered up domestic violence, where is that on your scale?
  3. What Homercles said... and take the MSF class.
  4. He was probably brought in with the understanding that he was expected to take advantage of every loophole and push (or blow past) all the limits on bringing in the top players...
  5. "Hello, Police? Yeah, uh, my 9 yr old was out driving the golf cart down Country Club Drive and there by the intersection of Sarasota Drive - the lady that lives near there has two dogs loose. Could you send an officer? The loose dogs make me scared to let kids drive around the neighborhood."
  6. I seem to remember them indicating that sort of thing was frowned upon during MSF class 🤷‍♂️
  7. I took the MSF course with my daughter a few years ago, this guy was our instructor: He spent half the class bragging on his brother though (of course he took all the credit for teaching little brother how to ride):
  8. But twitters customers are the companies paying for ads, not the people writing tweets...
  9. Got in some throttle therapy this morning... It rained all day yesterday so my county road loop was a little muddy. 4.25.22.mp4
  10. I read the plastic toothing titty thread first and thought no way used hospital thread tops this.... But I was wrong.
  11. I'm surprised some enterprising counties haven't done this yet...
  12. Big Cabin, OK isn't much more than a truck stop. Before this law they were so bad that guy that owned the truck stop parked a semi trailer in a field with a big banner on it that said "SPEED TRAP AHEAD." After this law passed the Big Cabin PD got hammered and wasn't allowed to write any traffic tickets for a year. They would sit in their normal place in the median and just watch people speed by. My town is the extreme opposite it seems, I wish they'd pull over more people.
  13. Spring shakedown trip... Gonna be cold this weekend but if you waiting for perfect weather you'll never go... Grand Cherokee State Park; Langley OK And the homemade heated hose
  14. Every time I see the word MANPAD my first thought is that bit from Rob and Big where Big Black was talking about manpons.... Every time.
  15. Yeah its closed and heated. My only worry is the water hose coming in. I could just unhook it for the nights but I've had this stuff sitting around for a while with the intention of making one.
  16. A couple of weeks ago we booked a campsite for next weekend in a state park at the local lake for our spring shakedown/first trip of the year. Was hoping for the best weather wise but at the moment it looks like it's going to be a little chilly. I've got some heat tape and insulation I bought a couple years ago to make a heated hose, looks like I might need to throw it together before we go 🥶
  17. Yeah that's why I'm all in on AMC, I'm fixing to YOLO my 401k too and roll it all in. Fuck the hedgies! No cell no sell! HODL!!!! MOASS IS COMING!!! AMC go BRRRR 🚀🚀🚀 💎🙌
  18. Yeah I have a TO, the company I work for is fairly small (about 3000 miles of line) and designated a Transmission Owner, our BA is also technically registered as our TO. We operate under them as a regional dispatch center but I have operational control of all my devices in my control room. We own all our own fiber to our substations and all of our ICCP links are dedicated private lines, not that we have a whole lot. Yeah I can't speak about other's networks but if they are not following NERC CIP requirements then shame on them. I know we take it very seriously.
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