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Everything posted by JMFP

  1. But what if said board is run by an aggy?
  2. I heard on the Sports Animal this week that Rangel was going to be the man. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Yeah, can hear it from the ground. I don't think the 161 lines hum as much but the 345 and larger ones let off an eerie buzz.
  4. To be honest, my system is on the smaller side and I just have a micro view of the BES system as a whole. And I don't think there is any stigma in the industry against burying transmission lines, its just the cost to do so would be astronomical. Before you even start you would have to renegotiate almost every ROW contract with landowners, hire all the labor, purchase all the new material, install reactors, etc. It's just a lot more than most companies could afford, but I guess the cost would just be passed down to customers.
  5. I got to do some 345 hot hand hand training with our linemen (more than) a few years ago. It was wild, we put on a full Faraday suit and went up in the bucket truck. When you reach out for the line sparks come out 8 or 10 inches to your fingers, like those plasma balls they used sell at Spencer's but with out the glass, when you grab on you can feel all the hair on your body stand up. But yeah those higher voltages lines buzz loader the more load you put on them.
  6. Mount Whitney is what I did to my nephew's babysitter a long time ago.
  7. I try to stay away from this thread because as a system operator most of yall's conversation is over my head but I did decide to catch up on the last page. All I can add is about burying transmission lines is you have to deal with Ferranti rise which is a lot worse on buried cables, which is why I've been told we don't do it much. Not much of a big deal on distribution lines but nobody wants the added equipment on the transmission system. And about line losses - I can tell you live, real time, right now I'm looking at a 32 mile long 345kV line one end is sending 426 mW and the other end is receiving 420 mW. But my 93 mile section of 345 line is actually a couple mW higher on the receiving end but it isn't carrying much load so it's just a big capacitor right now. And I dunno what a substation in the middle would do about line losses? Line loss is line loss and having a bus in the middle wouldn't do fuck all? Maybe they mean it's mitigated from another line coming in? But the loss is still there, just part of doing business, it's accounted for but not considered a big deal.
  8. So who's on the hook now for that $50 mil that the PAC owed to Comcast?
  9. 1. So does this mean they won't get their faces caved in by dudes half their size in piss puddled bathrooms any more? 2. Every time I hear Coach Schmiddy I picture this guy:
  10. These pilots' stories are fairly well known, they saw the 'tic tac' in person. CDR Fravor testified at the UAP hearing. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/navy-ufo-sighting-60-minutes-2021-05-16/
  11. If these whistleblowers are right and we do actually have a flying saucer that we've reverse engineered, the biggest uproar won't be from the churches. It will be from the people wanting to know why we're still burning coal and oil. That's the conspiracy theory anyway.
  12. They already addressed it: https://catholicreview.org/vatican-astronomer-says-if-aliens-exist-they-may-not-need-redemption/
  13. We're not building the park for Oklahomans. We're building it for people that have money.
  14. I went to school with current Cherokee chief, I don't know first hand but I'd bet none of this would happen without their blessing. I imagine the blueprints are already drawn up for the next casino featuring Toby Keith's Bar and Grill
  15. I heard this rumor about a month ago at the barber shop. I know about 15 years or so ago there was plans for another one to be built on the west side of town but it fell through towards the end of the planning stage. Barber shop rumor is that the Hunt Family in Kansas City is backing this one. There's an old quarry/cement plant east of town that they are buying. I'm guessing the big pond in the middle will be the pits left over from that. The official announcement came out today: https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/business/development/2-billion-theme-park-disneyland-vinita/article_b4d7e374-24bb-11ee-997d-8343bdab83d0.html
  16. I totally get it, I'm married too.
  17. Today I decided to wash the fifth wheel. I always start with the top so I rolled up the hose to throw up on the roof and with a big heave I launched the hose skyward and milliseconds after I saw the bright light I released I was too close to the bedroom slide that is right about 6 foot high. No concussion but I did get 3 staples in my scalp for catching the corner...
  18. What if someone called Prigo and said hey those rubles Putin pays you with are fucking worthless. We'll pay you euros to take Moscow and then you can do whatever you want inside Russian borders as long as you don't fuck with the rest of Europe...
  19. The thing about the tic tac video is that we also have the F-18 pilots publicly saying they saw it doing those things.
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