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Axle Hongsnort

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Everything posted by Axle Hongsnort

  1. Great thread. Fuck yes on Secret Machines. And Breedlove had a good sound. Dandy Warhol’s never got their due IMO.
  2. This. And it’s hard to breathe.
  3. Seeing Beck at Hollywood Bowl next month. Never been to the venue, looks killer.
  4. Only like 25 times since 1993. Ain’t there for the chicks, that’s for sure.
  5. Meh. B minus. Typical “too much new material” complaint. Bono insists upon himself. Lots of social statements. Visually stunning. Awful encore sequence.
  6. Going tonight in Vegas after lucking into sweet box seats. Haven’t really “followed” them since the 90’s. Never seen them before, so this is really a chance to see some legends.
  7. Went to Zion a few weeks ago, spectacular. The final half mile of Angels Landing was closed for repairs.
  8. Thanks man. I’m taking a hard look at the road machine. My LBS only carries the lowest models, so I am riding that next weekend to test the geometry, but would have to special order after that which is a beating. I’m not crazy about buying online because I want a local shop to be on the hook for fully dialing in the fit, early maintenance tweaks, etc. What was your experience?
  9. What’s everyone’s take on disc brakes? Seems to be lots of consumer apprehension despite a big manufacturer push. I’ve been riding a cannondale super six for 10 years and am starting to shop.
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