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Horny Bull

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Everything posted by Horny Bull

  1. Horny Bull

    Austin FC

    We made it to match day!
  2. Texas wins, 2-0. 1:30 first pitch tomorrow.
  3. Boehm on for the 9th.
  4. RBI double for Powell.
  5. 100 pitches even. Fantastic outing for LBJ.
  6. 1-0 Texas after 7.
  7. Nice play by Kennedy ends the inning.
  8. Flores is stranded at third B6.
  9. Cal Poly starter is done.
  10. Flores will just have to settle for a double.
  11. 1-0 Texas after 5.
  12. RBI single for Thomas.
  13. LBJ strands a runner at third T5.
  14. Nice play by Flores.
  15. Texas strands a pair B4.
  16. LBJ strands a two out walk T4.
  17. 0-0 after 3.
  18. LBJ strands the leadoff walk at second.
  19. 1-2-3 inning for LBJ.
  20. 0-0 after 1.
  21. LBJ works around a leadoff single T1.
  22. 6:30
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