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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. This point about the scale of wealth inequality should be hammered constantly. If a million dollars is a mile, a billion is a 1000 miles, roughly Austin to Chicago. Even back in the Reagan "greed is good" 80s, we despised Randolph & Mortimer Duke and Gordon Gekko who were fictional, more likable, and broke ass motherfuckers compared to Elon and Zuckerberg. I never even hear our oligarchs referred to as greedy. Let no one escape knowing how the wealth of Bezos compares to an Amazon worker or Elon's compared to the park ranger or veteran at the VA whose jobs are being cut. Also, there's only 800 billionaires in the US and these assholes have this much influence? Saw this on Surly somewhere and it's one of the best demonstrations of wealth inequality I've seen.
  2. Years ago on Surly, I was posting something about the Stormy Daniels case. Before I posted, I checked the spelling of Stormy making sure it wasn't ie or ee at the end. You know, because I'm careful enough to make sure I spell the porn star's name right as I post what was probably a joke under the name of an anthropomorphic, washed up sitcom actor horse from a cartoon on a Longhorn sports focused website. Sometimes, when I look at Venmo, I'll see the stupid shit people leave out in the open such as what are most likely weed purchases and wonder how in the fuck they're not more careful to make those transactions private. Of course, none of us are god damn national security advisors.
  3. My handy guide to right wing humor reminds me that there's no point looking for meaning in the joke beyond it's something sexist, racist, or otherwise deliberately distasteful. I think that's supposed to be Rosie O'Donnell. The joke is he's suggesting Rosie is overweight and unattractive and he thinks the left is triggered by this because he's a moron who thinks (because dumb shit like this is constantly suggested to him) that for us the sun rises and sets out of Rosie's ass every day. Like we're ever mindful of Rosie O'Donnell, but of course most of us aren't even entirely sure who that it. Also, Rosie has nothing to do with St Patrick's Day so don't go searching for a connection there. Inside this dimwit's head: "durr durr Rosie's fat and not hot durr durr they'll be so offended durr durr woke! durr durr gubmint durr durr."
  4. I'll go ahead and state the obvious, unpleasant as it it. That's the look of someone that wants to give a very aggressive rimjob.
  5. Non Maga needs to hammer these kinds of points. Always context the cuts of popular programs vs. the obscene wealth and excesses of the people making the cuts.
  6. Telling someone else to "touch grass" at 2 in the morning then you're back here at 5am. Way to live it up and take full advantage of your oh so cherished freedom while calling out others about wasting their lives on the internet.
  7. Ah, yes. The brave men of maga calling the Ukrainians crybabies and cowards after 3 years of repelling a full scale invasion by a far larger military that's bent on genocide. Whatever it takes to twist themselves into supporting the soft, moronic, criminal, serial sex abusing, draft dodging conman. And because they care so much about the debt.
  8. Back when every cough foreshadowed death by tuberculosis.
  9. By far the worst Wes Ansderson movie.
  10. This guy has a net worth in the hundreds of millions. For decades, people with far less have given him their money because they feel he's trustworthy and that he's a champion of the teachings of Jesus. Really, what chance do we have?
  11. How much of a simple fuck does someone have to be to have not thought this out any further than "he only bet on HIS TEAM WINNING"? Maybe think deep and consider why it's not ok to bet on your own team. On the days when has money on the Reds, he may not be managing with the team's long term interests in mind. "I have money on this so I'm going to leave Dibble out there for 3 innings even though he pitched yesterday and I'll likely need him tomorrow." Or on the days when he doesn't bet, it tips off the sort of shady people that would've been taking bets from a MLB manager. Or that he could've put himself in debt and been asked to alter a result to pay off that debt. Yes, our president is every bit this stupid. If he were a poster on the Surly baseball board, you'd face palm at reading his posts. Also, they've had this loaded up as a distraction for when he does something indefensible like side with the invading genocidal dictator over the democratic country being invaded. Holy shit this country sucks.
  12. It's so much worse than no bottom. I cannot adjust my expectations low enough.
  13. Great retort, you dipshit rube coward. He has over 50,000 pos reps of some sort vs. 66 negs. Ana's not going to answer direct questions about his beliefs. He's here to scrutinize and distort the views of others while not offering his own. He's chickenshit. That's all.
  14. I hope that guy is 5'9" and not 6'9".
  15. Would be so refreshing if the response to that was "so the fuck what?" but it'll be some jihad bullshit with firings, special sessions, investigations, and rolling over.
  16. This shows one of the ways that we're worse off than Idiocracy and that we'd kill to have President Camacho right now. Instead of the smartest man, Trump gets the richest man to solve all our problems. Then there are no consequences for Elon's failure. If Not Sure failed, he was to be killed by Beef Supreme with a flamethrower.
  17. The guy that's really in charge of this abomination of an administration that you voted for threw up nazi salutes at the inauguration, you nazi dumbfuck.
  18. Fucking national disgrace. A real low point in our nation's history.
  19. When I was working in Columbia, South Carolina back in 2003, many of the convenience stores would have "prayer lists" by the register. You were invited to write the name of a person and what you wanted some circle of weirdos to pray about on their behalf. I would write on there about my friend Jeff Spicoli who needed prayers for his substance abuse. If I ever encounter something like that again, I'll ask for prayers for my friend Avon Barksdale and his legal troubles.
  20. Everything is so fucking broken. There's just no way to adjust my expectations low enough. No matter where you are. No matter if you're corrupt or even human trafficking scum, Donald Trump will come to your rescue if only he can extract some favor or if you say you like him. But some park ranger or special education student? Fuck off, parasite!
  21. I think they're in a hurry for all sorts of reasons. This is perhaps one of them. If I remember correctly, you're someone that was thinking a second Trump term wouldn't be so bad. This isn't meant as an attack, but how do you feel now? Do you think there's some chance we somehow don't have elections in 2026 or 2028? I expected unbelievably awful from Trump 2 but it's been worse than I expected so far.
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