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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. I know there's no rock bottom. I know. I accepted that a while back. Still, I find myself surprised at just how fucked things have already gotten. None of you ledge dwellers can tell me you thought we'd ever have the richest person ever throwing up nazi salutes at a fucking presidential inauguration. Anybody even remember what used to be a scandal in this shithole country? Adjust your expectations downward further still because we are truly fucked. This unelected lunatic child is going to be in charge of slashing the social safety net as he gorges on public money to add to his hundred of billions fortune and he just twice threw up a nazi salute at the inauguration of the president of the fucking United States. Remember this shit? This idiot soccer player that got banned for life for throwing up a nazi salute? https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/18/sport/football/football-greece-katidis-nazi-salute/index.html
  2. You like jokes do ya? I got a joke for ya. Bunch of Surly posters all sittin' around in a labor camp, all wondering "how did we get here?"
  3. Hopefully those procedural protections provided defendants hold up but the point of the coming circus isn't necessarily to secure convictions or other penalties. It's for the spectacle of the investigations and Gym Jordan's hearings, to further muddy the waters and enable low information dipshits to say "derrr, they all a bunch of crooks" as Trump and the oligarchs practice unprecedented corruption in the open.
  4. I've so wanted to see him on this tour. I was still in high school when the Pixies split up originally. I saw Frank Black solo probably 8 times from '93 to '01. For most of those shows, it was strictly solo stuff. He finally started to play some Pixies songs in some of those sets. At last saw Pixies at ACL in'03 or whenever and have seen them several times since. In recent years, I've missed seeing the Frank Black solo stuff. I may yet do what I gotta do and make a trip to catch one of these dates. Doesn't look like they're adding anything else and it's not coming anywhere near Texas.
  5. For a long time, you could've said this about Jeffrey Epstein. You can still say it for every male associate of Epstein.
  6. Alex Jones also made a pivot to the right at some point because that's where the rubes are.
  7. Not only that but oldest Boomers are now almost 80. They're dying off plus in 4 years wouldn't hesitate to vote for someone that promises to save their Social Security and Medicare by raising the age to 70 or 72. Gen X is a small generation and will be outvoted by Gen Z dumbshits that get their news from Rogan and might very well be persuaded to cut old people programs further just as Gen X gets old enough to collect. In the near future, slashing or even eliminating SS and Medicare may no longer be the political third rail it's been our entire lives. Oh, well. Whatever. Never mind
  8. Elon said somewhere that we can expect things to get worse for a while before they start to build it back better. If they go through with even a fraction of what they're promising, it'll be catastrophic. If the process is "incomplete" and voters are angry, the oligarchs are not just going to be ok with being voted out of office in the midterms or in 2028. They're planning to come through those bad times way ahead of where they are now. Much richer and with permanent power.
  9. I think the Elon, Trump alliance is going to last as long as Dotard is president, unfortunately. All Elon has to do is flatter him publicly and help him get paid to the point that he's one of the richest people in history. In return Elon gets power, all the government money he wants, and the ability to pursue his stupid projects like colonizing Mars. Meet the new oligarchs.
  10. When Elon and Dotard have their economic overhaul only halfway done in 2026 or 2028, do they just go ahead and let us vote them the fuck out or do they postpone elections? That economic pain that's on the way, do they come out of it better or worse? Dotard is poised to become one of the richest people that ever lived. There will be nothing to restrain his personal enrichment. I had hoped to hear about JD Vance about as much as I hear about Tim Kaine in a few years, but that weirdo is about to become a permanent fixture in all of our lives as he implements project 2025. Fuck anybody who wanted it his way. I will hold it against you for the rest of my fucking life.
  11. Great insight! '68 worked out great for the Dems!
  12. Ah yes the classic Big 10 matchup of Iowa v UCLA. Do y'all have a trophy for that game yet? What's it called?
  13. Good news for you. You can go pretty much anywhere else and not be as fucked. Maybe Venezuela, Gaza, Argentina, South Sudan.
  14. No idea the best reaction for this.
  15. I know we're full of sucky people. I know it wasn't the most realistic hope but god damn, I want some respite from this shit. You newly minted leftists need to understand that the respite is as good as it ever gets. Your priorities whether it's universal healthcare, climate change, gun control, electoral college reform, or whatever is never going to happen. We play defense against fascistic lunacy. That's what we do on the left. Throw your priorities and dreams over there in that closet, dig in and play defense. Hope that Kamala walks on water with a 49-51 Senate and that the economy is in good shape come 2028 when we do this bullshit again. Kind of drunk.
  16. I hear you but I wanted a fucking mandate and an early night and to feel ok about the Senate. I wanted 330ish electoral votes and a clear repudiation of the fascist fuckface.
  17. I'm off topic and kind of drunk but I laughed so hard at Cameron Frye choosing Famous Blue Raincoat for karaoke. One of the most beautiful songs ever but such a bad song for karaoke.
  18. Can't wait to see the final result for that. It'd be a long night if that were close.
  19. What looks to be a white guy, wearing an Augusta National jacket voting for Kamala in a swing state. It's going to be a fucking landslide!
  20. List of figures from left to right: Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway, John Kelly And Donald Trump crossed the swamp with a bunch of rinos that have gone on to say he's a fascist and a threat to democracy.
  21. This right here is a huge part of an actual way forward out of this mess. Anti-corruption, target oligarchs and monopolies with an emphasis on encouraging competitive markets and building small business. It's good policy and would be enormously popular.
  22. Make the time? It's a whole fucking day a week before the election to do his show.
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