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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. I expect I'll be firmly in the eating gruel in a gulag with a spoon I keep tied around my neck faction.
  2. Meh. I prefer Shelley Long. In my mind, that was Kirstie Alley's legacy. It's a hell of thing to prove out an even bigger disappointment than that.
  3. "The planning of this was questionable. They were hoarding gasoline. Lord Qumungus had no choice but to unleash his dogs of war." That's the rest of the quote, probably.
  4. SIAP Not only did that episode feature Seth Bullock but W. Earl Brown (Dan Dority) played Weequay. No actor can match his range.
  5. Classic Democratic cheating. Don't vote in any battleground states. Just run up the score in safe blue states like we did in 2016 with the 3 million extra votes in California.
  6. Only polling at 2% for now, but good to see that Not Sure is getting his name out there. I expect he'll be the person that turns the tide back towards sanity in a few years.
  7. Hagbard Celine: You mean to tell me those are racial slurs? Haven't you fools ever watched Full Metal Jacket or read To Kill A Mockingbird?
  8. That was their first year in office, too. Donald and crew are still whining about being left unprepared by the previous administration almost 4 years in.
  9. Al Swearengen: We're forming a f***ing government. A. W. Merrick: Who is? Al Swearengen: Us! You and me! Come to me in a vision! Ya stupid bastard. Was looking for a gif or video of this.
  10. It's like some Democrat. That's some shoddy craftsmanship, workswithseed.
  11. I wanted to quote this dumb shit and remind everyone of how the cultists see Trump. This was before the famous Red Wave of 2018.
  12. No one is supporting the re-election of Toobin as President or even defending what he did. Talking about "pussy" as you said is one thing but what Trump said was way worse. Did you hear the pussy grabbing comments and dismiss that shit as normal? If someone said something like that around me, we'd have a big problem.
  13. Absolutely. Mr. Peanutbutter almost became governor of California.
  14. If not for being blacklisted by the Hollywoo libtards, Kirstie Alley would be the biggest thing going. She'd be getting all the best rolls.
  15. When Trump says what he says about health care, I don't think he's lying. He's saying something that's untrue and never going to happen but I think he really does believe it. He believes it because, on some issues, he's just a Fox News watching, Rush Limbaugh listening rube. He's been told with the rest of those audiences for a long while that everything that's wrong is the fault of libruls and the democrat party. Why are so many Americans without healthcare? Why does it cost so much? Why do the costs continue to rise? Their answer to all that is democrat party. It's never that it's a complicated issue and that there will be tradeoffs like higher taxes, impact on private insurance, or increased regulation. No, it's the libruls just fucking up what would otherwise be free healthcare that would cover everybody with the world's best doctors because libtards suck and want things to be terrible. Also, don't ever forget that Obama said that keep your doctor thing.
  16. Who the hell is Ron Johnson? Who the hell is this guy to be saying anything about child pornography? How old was Stacy Hamilton when you took her to that dugout, Ron?
  17. In 4 years, they'll be like Donald who? Some other lowlife will step up and take control of the cult. It'll be whoever they see as fighting all the people they hate which includes liberals, democrats, minorities, and most women. It's not a cult of Donald Trump. It's a cult of hate for the people they're told are the source of all the troubles in their life.
  18. For the rest of my life, I will not hear from any Trumpkin asshole that y'all are the party of any of the following: Christian values Family values Responsible government spending Decorum Respect for the office of President or any other office The military, especially POWs, wounded veterans, or those killed in action Fair elections Law and Order Protecting children I could go on and on but shut the fuck up. Y'all chose Donald Trump. Not that y'all could claim any of that before him.
  19. Hairdresser sounds like Rick talking to Morty. She got me right in the god-damned liver, Robin. It's the hardest working liver in the galaxy, Robin. Don't just stand there, Robin. Purge them.
  20. +In 2012, some democratic spokesperson no one had ever heard of said something about Romney's wife never worked a day in her life and people had never since she raised like 15 kids. Then Romney said some shit about binders full of women and we just couldn't believe he would ever say such a thing. Now, some convention speaker shot someone in the gut and it's not even page 20 news. In 3 years, I'll be in a fucking gulag, weighing 110 lbs.
  21. The guy's sigh at the :39 second mark. He's having to put up with this bullshit for $11 an hour at some job he almost gave notice to last week.
  22. I hope he's not meeting that Hulkster too soon. Hang in there, brother.
  23. I like this. I'm going to check some of it out. Kind of reminds of Aesop Rock or Tyler the Creator as if it's the brilliant spew of some out of control mind or like they're rapping from their shrink's couch.
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