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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Bojack


    Would you build the wall across Big Bend?
  2. Ted Nugent's one pedophile bastard you wouldn't teaching kids.
  3. I don't know. How about we start negging you and we see how long before you're unable to post any more of your senseless drivel?
  4. He's not a leftist. I suspect it's one of the OrcaCookie socks that will begin as a boilerplate left of center poster then fly off the rails with bigoted nonsense. ADHD is an example and there have been several others that fit the general pattern. The board is better off without him. They're easily startled but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers.
  5. Bojack

    CPAC 2019

    It looks like they cut the face off of his passport photo and pasted it onto a life-sized cutout.
  6. Bojack

    CPAC 2019

    Kyler Mouzone
  7. Hugo called it a few pages back that the Republicans would immediately move to stop the whole thing.
  8. OP, is this anti-Christian or is it merely character, plot development? The kid being abducted is less apt to resist because he thinks Rawls and the priest looking guy are authority figures. Characterizing a villain as a devout Christian or priest/preacher can signify that they believe in the righteousness of whatever they're doing and that they have the power and cover that a powerful institution like a church can provide. Complaining about some less than flattering portrayals in a few scattered TV shows and trying to claim victimhood in a country where declaring your Christianity is pretty much a prerequisite for holding any elected office is some weak shit.
  9. Bojack


  10. People generally are more likely to adopt a cat than a child. It's way less of a commitment.
  11. These damned leftists, every single one should answer for this. Whatever we do, we should not dismiss this as just a few people being idiots and vandalizing the wrong statue. We must defend all Confederate memorials and move to have the Confederate flag fly over the White House and Wall. There's no middle ground.
  12. You wouldn't know him. He's talking about a class at UT.
  13. Your mom should make an appearance.
  14. Next session, she's going to introduce a bill to crucify criminals and political dissidents. You know, in honor of Jesus.
  15. Posting this for GRHorn, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/late-term-abortion-rape_us_5c630b8de4b0a8731aeabbd6 Also, this is the abortion thread.
  16. Frank Black in about '01 - Dirty Old Town Soundgarden in '92 - Cop Killer Mr. Bungle in about '96? at Liberty Lunch did a cover of Working for the Weekend by Loverboy, complete with an interpreter doing the lyrics in sign language.
  17. And I'll stand over your grave 'til I'm sure that you're dead.
  18. 8badmofo will welcome the new alien overlords.
  19. Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream. It is not dying. It is not dying Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void. It is shining. It is shining.
  20. Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son." Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on."
  21. Stevie Wonder. I think Josh Ritter is one of the great American songwriters.
  22. It's a testament to our system and our Constitution that we've held together as well as we have so far. If you'd told me 30 years ago that fucking Geraldo would be a relative voice of reason on the highest rated "news" network, I'd have thought most us would've been dead already. 3 literal fascists and the guy behind Al Capone's vault.
  23. It's hardly fair, but it is part of the reason she was a bad candidate. It's true that millions of people dislike her but can't really even say why. She's never been well loved on the left because she's a political weather vane that's done some dumb shit like vote for the Iraq war. Also, most any other candidate, especially any woman, would've been able to end Trump after the pussy grabber audio. Trump was able to counter that somewhat by parading Bill's accusers before that debate. I hope they're not even at the 2020 convention. We'll be better off.
  24. He's a freak? OrcaRaisinCookieofPeace, you're on this website all goddamn day going back and forth between multiple socks. Fuck you.
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