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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. And capitalizes arbitration.
  2. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fucking cunt, you idiot?
  3. Remember ALF? He's back, in penis form.
  4. I teach part-time at Alamance Junior College, English 101 and Beginning Composition.
  5. I sat about 100 feet from Stevie Wonder himself for the Songs in the Key of Life Tour at the Erwin Center about 3 years ago. The night before, he played Dallas. That was a downer of a show because just before he took the stage, his wife had to be rushed to the hospital. By the time he took stage in Austin, she was alright and he was in great spirits. Also saw Dave Chappelle the night before. Lollapalooza in '92 featuring Lush, Pearl Jam, Jesus and Mary Chain, Soundgarden, Ice Cube, Ministry, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Ministry set was fucking otherworldly. '92 was a damn good time to see Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Ice Cube. 2004 at ACL Fest when I finally got to see the Pixies.
  6. I had to take my driver's license test 4 times. The written part was no problem. The driving part was harder because I took it in a shitty van that had a tendency to stall and wasn't easy to parallel park.
  7. Moby Dick, as a series for as long as it takes. Tom Hardy as Ahab. Cillian Murphy as Starbuck. Left Hand of Darkness I second the earlier suggestion of House of Leaves. I'd love to see ElfQuest done right but I'm afraid if it ever happens, it'll be a heartbreaking disappointment.
  8. Bojack

    Checking in

    On Shaggy, I was Shagga, son of Dolf. Here, I shall be Bojack and I used the sneezing picture. I'll probably mostly lurk for a while. "I'm so deep down a well of sadness that Baby Jessica is like, 'Dammmn.'".
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