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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Today JD will be practicing his new and improved retail politics in a burger joint in Wisconsin. JD: Hey, I'm running for Vice President. Worker: OK JD: How long you worked here? Worker: Since May when I dropped out of college. JD: OK. What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?
  2. JD Vance: "I'll take some hot dog buns, a jar of bbq sauce, one of those license plates. Whatever makes sense. How long you worked here?"
  3. He's saying that Jesus would cheat to make him the winner.
  4. JFC. Or maybe you're just a contrarian jackass. That shit is clearly staged. Nobody just happens to have a sledgehammer laying around whether it's a man cave or a living room. Why the fuck are you arguing?
  5. I've always thought jizz jars were as weird as it gets. Maga is about to plummet into even stranger places. God damn. Repeatedly praising Hannibal Lecter during speeches. All this icky JD Vance stuff. I honestly can't wait to see what comes next from this array of creeps.
  6. Brilliant observation. You're in political lock step with that weirdo.
  7. I'm not sure I get it. It's a reference to The Natural?
  8. I heard that with all that food Trump is going to debut a Gallagher type routine in order to appeal to younger voters.
  9. This nails it about their reaction to weird better than anything else I've heard. After all, they're fucking fascists whether they know it or not. In groups, out groups. Protect but don't bind. Bind but don't protect. They're fine with all that and only dread being one of the "outs." Also, they assume we'll do to them what they'd gladly do to us.
  10. I actually answered a text poll yesterday because it was asking who I supported for VP. Walz wasn't one of the 6 or so options so I chose "someone else" thinking I'd have a chance to write in Walz. Much of the reason I'm hearing about Walz is because he's big in CR. Talking to some other Democratic voters and they've not heard of him. In the short time between now and when the pick is made, how do we influence it in favor of Walz? Maybe time to put together a Surly Lawyers for Walz Zoom call. Imagine Hope doing the introduction for her dad to be VP nominee at the convention.
  11. Curious to know if you looked up which one died, you just happened to remember, or if you took a guess.
  12. Woman on the left has some guns on her.
  13. I was the Longhorns yesterday against my friend as Oregon. Jhadae Barron had 7 interceptions including 2 pick 6s. I expect he'll win the Thorpe Award this year.
  14. Two things I know about @PRONG HORN, he keeps really weird hours and he is dumb enough to believe absolutely any fascist bullshit he finds in his twitter sewer.
  15. Also, DEI. That thing that holds people like @PRONG HORN back from realizing their full potential.
  16. My pocket guide to right wing humor: you'll look at something like this and think there's got to be more to it. Nope, you already got it. It's just some scumbag sex trafficker calling a woman old. Pronghorn was recently defended by some on this forum as having been alright back when he was just posting porn in I'd Pee In Her Butt. Now, it's mostly just links from his sewer of a twitter feed between midnight and 7am CST. He's truly one of those "high value males" that the red pill grifters talk about.
  17. I believe that's David Hasselhoff after his botched plastic surgery.
  18. Same here. I was out last night and didn't hear anything about it until I got home and looked at the news feed on my phone. I found out about Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield's ear off when I walked into Magnolia Cafe on Congress that night and one of the employees had written the news on their specials board.
  19. That's great that his lie is so easily disproven. Time to throw it on the pile with the 40.000 other lies and get back to hammering their fascist asses on Project 2025 and the rollback of rights and powers granted to that criminal demented moron by the corrupt Supreme Court.
  20. Great. We're to the point of hoping our team loses so we go ahead and fire the coach. Not that you're wrong. He'll be leading the Libertarians to a bowl game in a few years.
  21. For once, Thanks, Ted! Apparently, the curse works retroactively.
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