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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Beau Vine last won the day on September 2 2024

Beau Vine had the most liked content!


56270 Surly 1%

About Beau Vine

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  1. The NFL is begging for 5'10" WRs who averaged 31.75 receiving yards per game after transferring from the Sun Belt.
  2. I had a couple of years in my 40s where I ran at least 2 miles every day of the year. I needed that kind of thing to make me run, but it was still pretty stupid. The first time, my legs just hurt like hell by about March and I kept going through it. Also had several days where I ran at midnight and ran during a really bad 6am thunderstorm in Omaha on the first day of the CWS.
  3. Wall-E is Pixar's worst movie and that is a hill I will absolutely die on.
  4. Props to Pedo State for being smart enough not to hold a press conference/celebration within the debris cloud's range.
  5. I have meticulously compiled a list of all the announcers who do not hate Texas, according to surly. Here is the list:
  6. I had one of my aggy friends on campus back in about 2002 when admission standards were really low. We were walking across campus on a warm day and his head was just swiveling around like a meerkat looking at girls. He finally said, "Do they actually pay you to teach here?"
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