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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. I see you've never read Nightengale's work.
  2. Lulz, that is one of my least favorite songs ever. How many consecutive times do they sing "Turnmelooose!! Turnmeloose?" I can only assume that you like it because you somehow associate it with one time you got laid in college.
  3. Maroon 5? If you wanted overrated bands that were Scorpions-era, I'd suggest Loverboy or Foreigner.
  4. BLACKOUT!!! To be fair, both of those albums came out within the same year and to a 17-yo who just discovered weed, they sounded REALLY similar.
  5. Blackout came out my junior year in HS, so I'm not going to say anything bad about them, other than that I think "Hurricane" is very stupid and overrated.
  6. I don't give a fuck what the dictionary says. If you're trying to get "untracked," that means you're currently "tracked," and what the fuck does that mean? I've never heard anyone say they were tracked. People who use terms like "untracked" and "for all intensive purposes" and "should of" and "could of" reveal themselves to be very stupid people who don't fucking READ anything and learn their language solely from listening.
  7. Didn't see it, but sounds thrilling.
  8. Calm, reasoned, fact-based discourse always works so well on aggy.
  9. "Dial up" "He caught the ball at its highest point." "Get untracked"
  10. Jasssssson is like the Human Highlight Film:
  11. What, the old giraffes-eating-leaves natural selection?
  12. If you're paying $300/oz for weed, then "bumper sticker" had better be some euphemism for whore.
  13. Because it increases the incentive to shoot for those numbers, when there will actually be game situations when trying to hit a homer or trying to hit a single is not in the best interest of winning. I'm honestly very surprised the NFL allows incentives on stuff like passing yards or passing TDs. That could put a QB nearing those bonuses in a bad position.
  14. Hell, I'm old enough to remember when paying for women's sports was the thing that was going to destroy college sports.
  15. Serious question: Is this true? I'm more familiar with MLB, and MLB incentives can only be for playing time. You can't put incentive clauses in contracts that are based on how many homers you hit or how many strikeouts you accumulate. If there's a bye week, do NFL players not get paid that week?
  16. I mean, you're making up your own definition here. And by your definition, the NFL is not even pay-for-play.
  17. I am morally obligated to post pics of Jose Lima's wife whenever he's mentioned:
  18. Representatives? Maybe they promised him whores and didn't deliver?
  19. Are you really suggesting that money is the only reason a college kid would relocate from Woostah Mass to Vegas?
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